Controlling a stage Flashcards
What is the purpose of the stage control process in PRINCE2?
To assign the work to be done, monitor it, manage issues, report progress to the project board, and take corrective actions to ensure that the stage stays within tolerances.
What are the objectives of the stage control process?
To ensure a focus on delivering the products of the management stage, keep risks and issues under control, review the business case, and ensure the delivery of products in accordance with agreed quality, cost, and time standards.
When is the stage control process used?
The process is used for the day-to-day management of each delivery stage of the project, starting after project authorization from the project board and potentially even during the initiation stage.
What are the key activities in the stage control cycle?
The cycle includes authorizing the work, monitoring progress and quality, reviewing the situation, reporting highlights, managing issues and risks, and taking necessary corrective actions.
How are work packages used in stage control?
Work packages are used to define and control the work to be done and set tolerances for team managers. If the project manager also serves as the team manager, work packages are used to define and control the work of individual team members.
Which process is invoked towards the end of the last management stage?
Towards the end of the last management stage, the project closure process is invoked.
What are the main activities in the “Stage Control” process in PRINCE2?
Activities include authorizing work packages, monitoring and reporting on the status of the management stage, managing issues and risks, and taking corrective actions.
Why is the authorization of a work package important in PRINCE2?
To ensure that work starts and continues only with the consent of the project manager, avoiding chaos and ensuring awareness of broader issues.
What should a work package in PRINCE2 cover?
It should include details such as the products to be produced, estimated costs and efforts, tolerances, project controls, quality standards, and methods of product delivery.
What actions are involved in defining and authorizing a work package?
Review the stage plan, the PID, define work package details, agree with the team manager, update stage plans and configuration records, and consult with project assurance.
What updates are necessary during the authorization of a work package?
Update configuration, quality, risk, and issue registers based on approvals and changes in work packages.
What is the purpose of the work package status review in PRINCE2?
To regularly assess the progress of ongoing work packages, ensuring they are in line with the stage plan and meet quality and time requirements.
What actions are taken during the review of the status of a work package?
Collect and evaluate progress information from checkpoint reports, review the team plan and entries in the quality register, and verify product configuration records.
What updates are necessary after reviewing the status of work packages?
Update the stage plan with actual data, forecasts, and adjustments, and update risk and issue registers if needed.
What is the process for receiving completed work packages in PRINCE2?
Confirm that the work defined in the package has been completed and approved, ensuring that all future changes to the products go through the change control process.
What verifications are required to confirm the completion of a work package?
Verify that the quality register entries related to the products are complete and that each product in the package has received the necessary approvals according to its quality descriptions.
What updates are required once a completed work package is received?
Update configuration records for each approved product and update the stage plan to reflect the completion of the work package.
What is the purpose of the Stage Status Review process in PRINCE2?
To ensure an up-to-date and accurate picture of work progress and resource status for maintaining control over the project.
What actions are included in the Stage Status Review?
Review checkpoint reports, current and forecasted stage plans, check product status, quality registers, risks, and issues, and assess resource usage.
What decisions may emerge from the Stage Status Review?
Authorize work packages, report highlights, manage issues and risks, take corrective actions, seek advice from the project board, record lessons learned, and plan for the next stage.
What updates are necessary after the Stage Status Review?
Update risk and issue registers and the stage plan based on the assessments made and updated forecasts.
What preparations are required toward the end of the stage?
Prepare for the next stage or, if it’s the last stage, prepare for project closure.
What is the purpose of providing highlight reports in the PRINCE2 process?
To provide the project board with summary information about the status of the management stage and the project and to distribute information to stakeholders as documented in the communication management approach.
What sources of information are used to compile highlight reports in PRINCE2?
Highlight reports are compiled using information from checkpoint reports, risk, issue, and quality registers, the lessons log, product status accounts, and any significant updates to the stage plan.
What steps are involved in preparing a highlight report in PRINCE2?
Preparing a highlight report includes collecting corrective actions taken during the reporting period, reviewing the previous highlight report, and producing a new report summarizing progress and key events in the current period.
Who are highlight reports distributed to?
Distribute the highlight report to the project board and other recipients identified in the communication management approach.
How are issues and risks captured in the PRINCE2 process?
Issues and risks are identified on an ad-hoc basis and must be recorded consistently and reliably by any member of the organization, program management, the customer, or other stakeholders.
What steps are involved in assessing an issue or risk in PRINCE2?
Each issue or risk should be recorded and assessed for its impact. This includes following risk and change management procedures and reporting the status of the issue or risk.
How are issues managed informally and formally in PRINCE2?
If an issue can be managed informally, it is recorded in the daily log. For issues requiring formal management, follow the procedures in the change control method and report the status as required.
What are the fundamental steps in risk management in PRINCE2?
Identify risks, record them in the risk register, assess their impact and likelihood, and establish appropriate response actions following the project’s risk management approach.
When and how are corrective actions taken or issues and risks escalated in PRINCE2?
If an issue or risk requires action outside established tolerances, seek advice from the project board or proceed with escalation, considering the overall impact on the stage’s status.
When should a project manager escalate issues and risks in PRINCE2?
When internal corrective actions are insufficient to keep the stage or project within the tolerances set by the project board, especially if the issue or risk exceeds the agreed-upon tolerances.
What are the preparatory steps for escalating an issue or risk?
Review the stage and project plans to define the extent of the deviation, determine recovery options, and assess the impact on the business case and stage plan.
How is an escalation communicated to the project board?
Inform the project board in advance of a potential exception situation, followed by presenting an exception report detailing the situation, available options, and a recommendation for a course of action.
What actions can the project board take in response to an escalation?
The project board can request further information, approve, defer, or reject change requests, grant concessions, change tolerances, request an exception plan, or instruct premature project closure.
Why is the escalation of issues and risks considered a best practice in PRINCE2?
Escalating issues and risks in a timely manner allows more time to implement corrective actions and should not be seen as a failure but as an essential part of maintaining control over the project.
What is the main purpose of corrective actions in PRINCE2?
To select and implement actions within the tolerances of the management stage and the project to address deviations from the plan.
How are corrective actions identified and selected in PRINCE2?
Gather information about the deviation, identify potential solutions, and select the most appropriate option for managing the deviation.
What steps are involved in implementing a corrective action?
Activate the corrective action by authorizing a work package, update the configuration records of the affected products, and update the issue and risk registers.
Which records and documents are updated following a corrective action?
Update the issue report, issue and risk registers, and the stage plan to reflect changes resulting from the corrective action.
How is the status of a corrective action monitored in PRINCE2?
Monitor the status of the corrective action through either the daily log or the issue register, depending on whether the action is being managed informally or formally.
Why are work packages crucial in the “Controlling a Stage” process in PRINCE2?
Work packages are essential because they focus on products, a central element of the PRINCE2 principle of focusing on products.
How can work packages be tailored in PRINCE2?
Work packages can take various forms depending on specialist disciplines and may vary whether the work is done internally or externally. The project manager needs to ensure that relevant content is included.
How can highlight reports be tailored in the “Controlling a Stage” process?
The frequency of highlight reports can be adjusted based on risk profile and outcomes. They can include additional information such as KPIs and may be presented in the form of wall charts or Kanban boards.
What are the guidelines for tailoring issue reports in PRINCE2?
An issue report can be a view of the issue register with additional information. If this information is included in the issue register, a separate report may not be necessary.
How can exception reports be tailored in the “Controlling a Stage” process?
The format of the exception report can be adapted to the preferences of the project board as long as it includes all the information required by the project board.
What is the project manager’s responsibility in tailoring roles in the “Controlling a Stage” process?
The project manager is responsible for creating all new management products in this process but can delegate to others while retaining accountability, especially when defining specialist products.
How is tailoring managed in the “Controlling a Stage” in a simple project?
In a simple project, the project manager may also act as the team manager, using work packages as control for individual team members and personally taking on the project support role.
What are the key considerations in tailoring “Controlling a Stage” using an agile approach?
In an agile approach, the project manager should empower teams to deliver in the best way possible, using effective visual communication channels and setting appropriate tolerances, especially in terms of scope and quality criteria.
How is tailoring managed in “Controlling a Stage” from a supplier perspective?
For an external supplier, a customer’s work package may take the form of a binding contract, with the project manager ensuring they have sufficient information to control the work.
How is tailoring managed in “Controlling a Stage” within a program or portfolio?
Consider how to maintain project records and logs and how to escalate at the program or portfolio level, with particular attention to risk management and escalation procedures.