Rh Blood Group Flashcards
Most complex of all rbc blood group system
Is the most important rbc antigen in transfusion reaction
D antigen after A and B
Who lack d ag do not have
Anti D
Antibody produced through expiosure to D Ag through what
Oregnancy or transfusion
This is greater than that of all otehr rbc Ag studied
Immunogenicity D
Is routinely performed so D neg will be transfused with D
Testing for D
That delivery of stull born and adverse reaction in mom to blood transfusion from father were related discovered by
Levine and stetson 1989
Syndome in fetus is called
Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
Syndrome had complicated oregnanciea for decades causing severe jaundice and death
Erthroblastosis fetalis
Suggestied that Ag are determined by
3 pairs of genes which occupy closely linked loci
Eqch gene causes priduction of antige exceot
Three loci carry the rh gene are so closely linked that they never separate but are passed from generation to generation ws a unit or gene complex
Fisher race
Nan offspring of Dce/dce individual will inherit either dce or Dce from the parent never
The gene complex DCe woukd cause priduction of
D C and e ag
If one chromosome carried DCe and other was DcE would cause
D,C,c,E,e ag
Each ag is recognizable by testing red cell with specific ag except
Each gene produces a structure on the red cell called
Agglutinogen or Ag
What are the 8 major allelespostulated that twi genes one or each chromosomes pair controls the entire express of Rh system
The two theories are the basis for the twi notation currently used for the rh system
Wiener and fisher race
Convert Dce fisher race into wiener
Most common D positive genotype
Most common D genotype
Refer to genes
Superscript Rh upper 1
Refers to agglutinogen
Subscript Rh below 1
Proposed a nomnclature based ibky on serologic reaction
Rosenfield 1962
This are numbered in order of their discovery and recognition as belonging to the rh system
ISBT measn
International society of blood transfusion
D Ag
For recording of phenotypes the sytem adopts
Rosenfield approach
Agglutination reaction pos and neg will represent the
Statistical probability to determine most probable
Uses of Rh phenotyping
Parenting testing
Predicting HDN
Conforming Rh Ab
Locationg compatible blood for receipient with rh ab
Is the result of the reaction between the red cell and antisera
Genetic make up and can be predicted using the phenotype and considering the race
Three mechanism for weak D
Position effect
Inherit weak D or position effect
Mosaic D could produce Anti D
Is the most important blood grouo system after ABO in transfusio medicine
Inherited from parents in linked fashion as
Below an offspring of the dce/Dce individual will inherit eithe dce or Dce from the present neve dce as this would indicate crossing over which does niy occur in rhy system in man
Fisher race
Stimulated as a resukt of transfusion or preg they are immune
Rh ab
Ab accounts for majority of unexpected ab encountered
Rh antigens
That control the system are
Autosomal condominant chrom 1
Postulated the two gene one on each chromosome pair control tge entire express of rh
Each gene produces a structure on the red cell
Antigen or agglutinogen
Each agglutinogen can be identified its part or factors that react with specific ab
Propesed a nomenclature based only seologic reaction
Antigen are numbered in order of their discovery and recognition as belonging to the rh system
This has no genetic assumption made
The phenotype of a given cell is expressed by the base symbol of rh followed by a colon and a list of numbers of tye speciic antisera used
Since di is an amorph
No anti d
Ceated to standardize blood group system nomenclature
Require for routine tetsing
Anti D
Agglutination pos or neg respresent what
Three mechanism fo weak D
Position effect
Inherited weak D or position effect
Mosaic D or produce Anti D
Inheritance of D gene which result in lowered densities of D antigens on Rbc membranes genes code for less D
Weak D genetic
Absemce of portion or portion of the total material that compromises the D antigen
Partial D
Partial D old term as
D mosaic
Position effect
C trans
C and D antigen arrangement causes steric hindrance which result in
Weakening or suppresion of D expression
If the patient is transfused with D pisituve red cell they ma deelop an
Anti D aalloantibody
Are epirope which occur due to presence of two rh gene on the same chromosome, cis position
Compound antigen
Gene product include not only products of of single gene but also combine fenete that is also antigenic
Compound antigen
This cell clearly mark on antigram of screen and panel cells
F cell
Hat code for C or D
G antigen
Invariably present in rbc possessing C or D
G antigen
Minics Anti C or anti D
Anti G
Cannot be separated into andti C and anti D
Anti G activity
Very rare
Individual inherit Rh gene complex lacking alleles
D deletion
D deletion may be
Ee or Cc
It must be what for rara deletion to be detected
No reaction when rbc are tested with
Anti E, anti e anti C anti c
D deletion written as
D– or -D-
Variant rh antigen
Low frequency antigen found in 1-2% of whites and rare in black
C up w
In cw antibodies to these antigen can be naturally occuring may play a role in
Antibodies which often occur togenther
Concominant rh ab
Inherited from parents in linked fashion as
Below an offspring of the dce/Dce individual will inherit eithe dce or Dce from the present neve dce as this would indicate crossing over which does niy occur in rhy system in man
Fisher race
Stimulated as a resukt of transfusion or preg they are immune
Rh ab
Ab accounts for majority of unexpected ab encountered
Rh antigens
That control the system are
Autosomal condominant chrom 1
Postulated the two gene one on each chromosome pair control tge entire express of rh
Each gene produces a structure on the red cell
Antigen or agglutinogen
Each agglutinogen can be identified its part or factors that react with specific ab
Propesed a nomenclature based only seologic reaction
Antigen are numbered in order of their discovery and recognition as belonging to the rh system
This has no genetic assumption made
The phenotype of a given cell is expressed by the base symbol of rh followed by a colon and a list of numbers of tye speciic antisera used
Since di is an amorph
No anti d
Ceated to standardize blood group system nomenclature
Require for routine tetsing
Anti D
Agglutination pos or neg respresent what
Three mechanism fo weak D
Position effect
Inherited weak D or position effect
Mosaic D or produce Anti D
Red cell have no rh antigen sites
Rh null
The lack of antigen causes the red cell mem leading to
Stomatocytosis and HA
2 rh null phenotype
Regulatory type
Amorph type
Gene inherited but not expressed
Regulatory type
RHD gene is absent no expression of RHCE gene
Anorph type
Conplex ab may be produced requiring use of rare, autologous compatible blood from sibling
Rh null
Except for rare example of anti E o anti C shich may be naturally occuring most occur from immunization due to transfusion or pregnancy
Rh ab
Order of immunogenicity
D c E C e
Most frequently encountered ab followed by anti c
Anti E
Rare as singke ab
Anti C
Ly encountered as only 2 % of the population is ag neg
Anti e
Discovered at the same time as rh antigen
Detected on cell of rhesus monkey and human rbc proportion as D Ag