Donor Selection Flashcards
Reason for promoting regular voluntary blood donation
Lower incidence and prevalence of transfusion
Absence of risk of anemia
Donors are willing to donate blood regularly
Donors have expressed the commitment to dinate blood during emergency
They are required to give blood when a member of the patients family or community requires it
Family or replacement blood donors
They are donor who give blood for money pr other form of payment
Professional, paid or commercial blood donors
Disadvantage of paid blood donors
High incidence and prevalence transfusion of transmissible infection
Donor are undenourished, poor health
Donor screening is carried out by ahd adequately trained physician ajd qualified staff under the supervision of a qualified physicians to determine the suitability of blood donie
Donor screening
Criteria age
Age 16-65 yo or consent under 18
Criteria wt
50kg for 500ml atleast 45kg for 250ml
Criteria pulse rate
50-100beat per min
Blood pressure criteria
Systolic 90-160mmhg
Diastolic 60-100mmhg
Criteria hb
125g/al 12.5g/dl
Criteria hct
Blood bankers prefer hb in what method
Copper sulfate mtd
Specific gravity of copper sulfate
Derived from organism of the self same individual
They give blood to their own free will abd receive no monet or any form of payment
Voluntary blood donor
Derived from organism of a different but related spp
Automated blood collection system that allows removal of 1 or more components of blood and return remainder to donor
Used to remove abnormal plasma proteins and replaced with cystalloid, ffp
Therapeutic plasma exchange
Used to remove cellular elements like the abnormal number of platelets, leukemic wbc, lymphocytes
Therapeutic cytapheresis
To harvest specific cellular components such as platelets, granulocytes or red cells
To harvest plasma only and return back tye cellular components to the donor or patient
Deferment of previous donation
6-8weeks for 200ml
12weeks for 450ml
Deferment for pregnant women
9months after childbirth or 3 months after weaning
Major operation including
Dental surgery
Blood transfusion including administration of ig
12 months after operation
Acute febrile illness
2-3weeks after febrile episode
3 years after cessation of s and s of malaria
1 year
Past exposure tattoo, skin piercing, needle puncture
1 year
Alcohol intake
12 hours
Skin lesion at venipuncture site
After skin have completely healed
what are category 1
Measles, oral polio, mums yellow fever , bcg
Category 1 after
2 weeks
What is catergory 2
Rubella measles
1 month
Category 3
Rabies is
1 yr
Killed vaccine and toxoid, inhectibles hbv, cholera, typhoid, parathypoid, typhus and influenza
Anytime if no fever
Antibiotics under than tb drugs
5 days
Anti tb drugs
After cured
Anti fungal drugs
5 days
Allergenic such as penicillin and aspirin
1 days after last dose
Oral corticosteroid
While on treatment
Anti acne drugs
2 months after
Persons who are not allowed to donate blood
Cancer pt Cardiac dse Sever lung dse Viral hepatitis and jaundice and liver dse Use prohibited drugs High risk behavior Autoimmune sde Chronic alcoholism Prolonged bleeding Std High risk occupation
Autologous donors criteria
Hb more than 11g/dl
Age and wt no limit
For autologous transfusion blood maybe drawn
From a pt every 3 days but not 62hours of surgery
Venipuncture rules
Must ge done uwing aseptic technique under closed system
Do not leave donir unattended during phlebotomy procedure
Volume of whole blood collection
Donor weighing 110lbs may donate 525ml of blood including pilot tube
450ml collected should weigh atleast
200ml should, weigh atleast
450ml blood volume how many anticoagulant
63ml anticoagulant
200ml of blood how many anticoagulant
Less than 300ml
The amount of anticoagulant in the bag must be reduced
Anticoagulant acceptable by fda
Acid citrate dextrose Heparin Citrate phosphate dextrose Citrate phosphate dextrose adenine Cpd plus AS-1 AS-2 (dextrose, mannitol, adenine) Cpd2 plus AS (saline, dextrose, adenine)
Binds with calcium ions in exchange for the sodium salt so the blood does not clot
Sodium citrate
Support metabolism of the red cell during storage to ensure the release oxygen readily at tissue level
Maintain the red cell membrane to increase storage life
Provide energy source
Duration of blood collection
Donor should offered a drink and observed 10-15mins
Donor shoudl be instructed to drink liberally and avoid strenous exercise
S and S are similar in mild reaction plus the fact that the donor loses consciousness characterize the,
Moderate reaction
S and S plus the fact that the donor undergoes convulsion or seizure characterize them
Severe reaction
Reaction of mgmt fonir
Light headedness
Tingling sensation
Causes of donir mgmt
Anxiety Hypoglycemia Convulsion Anxiety underlying dse Cardiopulmonary emergency Underlying heart dse
Cardiopulmonary emergency mgmt
Cardiopulmonary resusciation
Transfer donor to medical facility
Hematoma mgmt
Discontinue if large
Apply pressure to site for 5mins
Apply cold packs
Reassure donor
Hematoma causes
Very fragile veins
Unskilled phleb
Uncooperative donor
Mgmt of jet like bleeding with bright red color
Discontinue immed
Apply firm pressure at the site for 10mins
Apply dressing on the site
Causes of jet like bleeding bright red blood
Inadventent puncture of artery when deep is attemoted
Causes of shooting pain followed by numbness and tingling in the forearm
Inadvertent puncture of median nerve or cutaneous branches
Mgmt of shooting pain followed by numbness and tingling in the forearm
Apply support to arm
Type of blood donation
Whole blood donation
Apheresis donation
Autologous blood donation
Blood donation sites
Walk in donation
Mobile blood donation
Blood donors coming to the blood bank for donation
Usually regular blood donors
Walk in donations
Major part of blood donation
Blood donation out side the campus for targered and untargeted population group
Mobile blood donation
standard of practice for donor screening
First time donors
Regular donors
Autologous blood donors
Shorter screening process
Regular donor
Planning for donation according to the time and need of blood
Autologous blood donors
Longer screening process to fully explain all parts od the donation process
Expected to have more quires
First time donors
Two crucial factors for safe blood products
Accurate donor screening or selection
Accurate laboratory testing on each unit collected
Donor screening
Registration of the donor
Medical history
Physical examination
The test done on the donor blood unit including the ff
Abo grouping
Rh typing