Blood Therapy 2 Flashcards
A single unit can be isolated from every units of donated blood by centrifuging the blood within the closed collection ystem to separate plts from rbc
Platelet concentrates
As the plt number is inadequate Four to six units are pooled together called
Whole blood derived or random donor pooled plts
Advantage of plts conc
Lower cost
Ease of collection
Disadvantage of plt concentrate
Recipients exposure to multiple donor in a single transfusion and logistic issues related to bacterial testing
Plts are collected in how many hours in apheresis procedure
In apheresis what are removed and what returned to donor
Plts and wbc removed, rbc and plasma returned
A typical apheresis platelet unit
3 - 6 x10^11
Advantage if single donor apheresis plts
Exposure of the recipient to a single donor rather than multiple donor
Ability to match donor and recipients characteristics such as HLA, Cmv, and blood type certain recipients
Which contain less than 5x10^6 leukocytes
Plts, pooled, buffy coat deried, leucocyte depleted pool pf plts, derived from buffy coat
A single donor plt component containing less than 5x10^6 leucocytes
Plts, apheresis, leucocyte depleted
This component indicated for pt with reaction to plasma containing components
Pksts, suspended in additive, keukocyes depleted, plts concentrate,
Volume of pc
Ph of pc
Bet 6.4-7.4
Leuko ct in pc
Less than 5x10^6
Shelf life of pc
5 days
Practical shelf life of pc
Pkts ar stored in
Room temp
Cold induces
Clustering of vwf receptor kn tge plt surface and morphological changes of plts
Leading to enhanced
By hepatic macrophages and reduced plts survival in the recipients
Plts are stored at a core temp of
22deg +/- 2 deg with agitation for 5 days in closed system
Plts are stored in room temp to engabce
Bacterial growth and third leading cause of HTR
For any pt who develop a fever within 6 hrs after receiving plts
Sepsis from plts considered
One plt concentrate is usually given to most
Adukt pt
In small childern dec 20kgs and 10-15ml
One plt conc used
In older children
An adukt dose of plts should be used
One plt comc ususlly produces and increase of approx how many plts and how many kg in pt
7000-10000mm3 at 1 hr to 70kg
Ten units f plt concentrate are required to inc plt ct by
100000 cells/mm3
Dose computation
Prepared from whole blood by separating snd freezing plasma 200-250’l within 6hr donation
Fresh frozen plasma
Ffp may be stored up to and how many deg
1yr -18 deg
It contains aol coagulation factors and othe protein
Order the ffp should be what
30-37 deg with constant agitation
After thawing of ffp can be stored at what temp and what if room temp
4deg for 24hrs but if room temp 4hrs
Diff types of ffp
Fresh frozen plasma F24plasma Cryosupernatant Liquid plasma Solvent detergent treated plasma
Plasma frozen at 18 deg within 6hrs of donation
Plasma frozen at 18det within 24 hrs cryosuoernatant and solvent detergent treated plasma liquid
F24 plasma
Teh plasma remaining after removing cryoprecipitate
Cryosupernatant also referrref as
Cryo poor plasma
Spused as plama replacement in pt with thrombicytopenic purpura
Vitamin def correction of major bleeding in the setting of
Warfarin coagulation
Remival of cryoprecipitate from plasma does nit deplete
Vut k dependent clotting factors
Plasma nit immmediately frozen as ffp or f24 and stored at 1-6deg
Liquid plasma
Used preparation of plasma derivative slike albumin, factor conc, abd immuniglobulins
Liquid plasma
Treatment of pooled plasma prior o freezing with a solvent and non ionic detergent inactivates a number of lipid envelope virus, hiv, hep b and c
Somvent detergent palsma
Non enveloped viruses like parvob19 and hep a arenot inactivated by this process and prions
S/d plasma
This method used ti inactivate viruses in ig and coagulation factors
S/d plasma method
Has similar levels of most clotting factors and similar hemostatic properties as standard ffp
S/d plasma
Twi emthod to collect this component
Random donor pooled pt
Single donor apheresis platelets
The inuitial therapeutic dose of ffp average
10-15ml/kg to obtain 30% factor
Repeating dosing should follow the resukt pf serial diagnostic coagulation test such as
Pt and aptt
Ffp in trauma
Tarditional method fluids, ffp, rbc only abnormal coagulation result problem dikutional coagulopathy resulting in prolonged microvascular bleeding
Recent studies show improved outcomes with higher ration of cell unit to ffp 3:2
Cryoprecipitate Originally it was a developed as a therapy for
Hemophilia A
Cryoprecipitate enrinched with
Fibrinogen, fac 8, vwf, factor 13
When ffp is thawed at 4 deg
Prrcipitate formed, resuspend snall volume of plasma and refrozen 18deg for 1 year
1 unit of whole blood contains
250 ml plasma
One unit of cryoprecipitate volume cobtains 10-20ml in to
150-250 mg
80-100 units of
Factor 8
50-100 units of factor
50-60mg of
40-70% of
Vwf conc
Essential for the fromation promary hemostatic plus maintanance of normal hemostasis
Thrombocytopenia may csused
Dec plt production
Increase destruction
Massive transfuison
Increase destruction
Because of rapid use of olt for hemostasis and dilution plt by resuscitation fouids
Massive transfuison
After chemotherapy or malignancy
Dec plt prodyction
Indicated for patients
Who are bleeding due to thrombipocytopenua
Who have abnormal fuctioning
Who have plt ct under 20000 ul
Who have undergone chemotherapy, dic, massive transfusion