Compatibility Flashcards
Also called compatibility testing
Pre transfusion testing
To select blood components tgatw ill not cause harm to the recipients and will have acceptable survival when transfused
Compatibiity testing
If properly performed compatibility test will confirm what
Abo compatibility bet component and recipients
Several components of compatibility testing
Proper soecimen collection Reviewing pt transfusion history Abo, rh and ab testing Cross matching Actual transfusion
Can be divided into 3 categories
Pre analytical procedure
Serological testing
Post analytical procedure
Pre analytical phases
Pt identification
Soecimen collection
Review of pr history
3 serological test
Abo rh
Ab dection
Blood transfusion process
Pre transfusion
Post transfusion
If ab are detected identification should be performed using panel cells
37 deg
If ab is present ag is
This test to prevent transfusion reaction
Kncrease invivo survival of red cell
Double checks for abo errors
Another method of detecting ab
Routinely performed in labs
Major crossmatching
Not required by AABB since 1976
Minor rossmatch
The plasma volume is small and abs will be diluted in recipient circulation
Minor crossmatching
Most blood is transfused as packed cells having little ab
Minor crossmatching
Donated units are tested for ab
Minor crossmatching
Sa pling of the blood and eliminate having to open the actual unit
What is the first tested in crossmatching
The 2nd performed
Ab screening
This performed using pt serum and donor blood suspension
Immediate spin
If ab are not detected this is an
Incomplete crossmatch
Ag negative units found and x matched
Ab are dected
Ab are detected all phases are detected
IS, AHG, 37deg
When ab are detected this is called
Complete crossmatch
Identify ab, perform complete crossmatch on units that are ag begative for ab
Alloab detected
Perform a complete crossmatch on units that are ag negative for prior and new alloab. Rule out
Record if previous alloab
No further testing needed, perform immediate spin or comouter crossmatch if units ordered
No alloab detected
Types of compatibility tests
Manual IS AND IAT Gel technology Electronic crossmatch Red cell affinity column technology Solid phase adherence assay
IS detect
RT reactive ab (auto, alloab, naturally occuring
IAT detect
Igg ab (auto and alloab