Is a condition wherein the sensory retina separates from the retinal pigment epithelium
Retinal Detachment
An ocular emergency
Retinal Detachment
Risk factors for retinal detachment
-Increasing Age
- Severe Myopia
- Eye Trauma
- Cataract Surgery
-Family or personal history of retinal detachment
Most common detachment
Rhegmatogenous detachment
A hole or tear develops in the sensory retina, allowing some of the liquid vitreous to seep through detaching the sensory retina from the RPE
Rhegmatogenous Detachment
Tension or pulling force cause the sensory retina to detach
Traction retinal detachment
Results from the production of a serous fluid under the retina from the choroid
Exudative Retinal Detachment
May result secondary to uveitis or macular degeneration
Exudative Retinal Detachment
What are the Types of Retinal Detachment?
-Rhegmatogenous Detachment
- Traction Retinal Detachment
- Exudative Retinal Detachment
Fluid builds up behind retina which is broken
Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Fluid build up in behind retina which is NOT broken
Traction and Exudative Retinal Detachment
Clinical Manifestations of Retinal Detachment
-Sudden flashes of light
- Curtain Vision
- Floaters
Surgical Management of Retinal Detachment
-Scleral Buckling
- Vitrectomy
-Pneumatic Retinopexy
An extraocular surgical procedure that involves indenting the globe so that the pigment epithelium, the choroid, and the sclera move toward the detached retina
Scleral Buckling
-Surgical removal of the vitreous
-Used to relieve traction to the retina
-May be combined with scleral buckling
The intravitreal injection of a gas to form a temporary bubble in the vitreous that closes retinal breaks and provides apposition of the separated retinal layers.
Pneumatic Retinopexy
Post Operative Care of Pneumatic Retinopexy
-Prone Position to allow gas bubble to remain in position and act as tamponade for the retinal break