Anti-Diuretic Hormone Flashcards
Anti diuretic means
to prevent urination
What is the target organs of antidiuretic hormone?
Secreted by the posterior pituitary gland
Anti-diuretic hormone
Promotes water re-absorption by kidneys
Anti-diuretic hormone
“Too low”
Diabetes Insipidus
“Too high”
Described as the passage of very large amounts of dilute urine
Diabetes insipidus
2 forms of diabetes insipidus
Central (Neurogenic)
Causes of Central (Neurogenic)
- Tumor-associated
- Post-Operative
- Head Trauma
- Hereditary (10%)
Causes of Nephrogenic
-Lithium Toxicity
- Hypercalcemia
- Hypokalemia
Its pathophysiology with ADH synthesis, transport, or release
Central (Neurogenic)
Its pathophysiology is inadequate renal response to ADH despite presence of adequate ADH
Clinical Manifestations of Diabetes Insipidus
- Polydipsia
- Dilute urine
- Hypovolemia
What is the normal specific gravity?
Diagnostic Test of Diabetes Insipidus
Fluid Deprivation Test
Assess ability of kidneys to concentrate urine under the influence of ADH
Fluid Deprivation Test
Stages of Fluid Deprivation Test
-Fluids are deprived for 8 hours
-Plasma osmolality are checked q4h and urine volume and osmolality q2h
- Desmopressin acetate is given at the end of the 8 hours