-Contralateral lower limb sensory
- Bladder dysnfunction
-Babinski’s sign
Anterior Cerebral Artery
-Most common
-Contralateral upper limb sensory & motor deficits (although if posterior limb internal capsule affected, lower limb may also be involved)
-Speech dysfunction
-Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia with macular sparing
Cranial Computed Tomography Scan (Non-Contrast)
-Should be performed within 25 minutes or less from the time the patient presents to the emergency department (ED)
-To determine if the event is ischemic or hemorrhagic as the type of stroke determines treatment
Prevention Strategy: Risk Reduction
-Lifestyle modification
- Control of blood pressure
-Religious compliance of prescribed anti-hypertensives
-Weight Control
-Diet: -Dietary Approaches to Stop HTN (DASH) Diet
-High in fruits and vegetables
-Low fat diary
- Lean Protein
-Mediterranean Diet
-Plenty of fruits and vegetables, bread and whole grains
- Olive oil as primary source of fat
-Dairy products, eggs, fish and poultry in low to moderate amounts 7
Prevention Strategy: Early Detection and Prompt Treatment
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
Facial Droop Normal Sign: Facial movements are equal and bilateral
Facial Droop Abnormal Sign: Unilateral, unequal movement of face
Arm Drift Normal Sign: able to raise arms simultaneously or able to hold out both arms