Respiratory system Flashcards
bones of middle thing connecting the ribs
manubrium manubriosternal joint (sternal angle) T4/5 sternum xiphisternal joint xiphoid process T9/10
true, false, floating ribs
1-7 true ribs
8-10 false ribs
11-12 floating ribs
first rib
scalenus anterior muscle attaches to scalenus tubercle
groove for subclavian vein is anterior to tubercle
groove for subclavian artery is posterior to tubercle
neurovascular bundle
subcostal groove
intercostal vein
intercostal artery
intercostal nerve
pleural cavity cleft is filled with fluid function (2)
sticks lungs and chest wall together (surface tension)
right lung
bigger, three lobes (superior, middle, inferior)
horizontal and oblique fissures
right bronchus shorter, wider, more vertical (more likely to lodge objects)
left lung
smaller, two lobes (superior, inferior)
oblique fissure
groove for arch of aorta and descending aorta
cardiac impression
hilum on mediastinal surface point towards each other
Right lung, artery is Anterior to bronchi
Left lung, artery is Superior to bronchi
intercostal muscles
external intercostal muscles (hands in pockets)
internal intercostal muscles (hands on tits)
innermost layer (hands on tits)
transversus thoracis
vagus and phrenic nerve in relation to hilum
phrenic nerve is anterior to hilum
vagus nerve is posterior to hilum
phrenic nerve innervation
motor and sensory to diaphragm
sensory to pericardium of heart and pleura of lungs
right phrenic nerve vs left
right enters via caval opening/ cavity (vena cava hiatus) with inferior vena cava
left enters by itself
holes in diaphragm
caval opening/ cavity T8 - inferior VENA CAVA, right phrenic nerve
oesophageal hiatus T10 - OESOPHAGUS, oesophageal blood vessels, vagal trunks
AORTIC HIATUS T12 - aorta, thoracic duct , azygos vein
muscles of relaxed and forced inspiration
diaphragm, external intercostals
sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis minor
muscles of relaxed and forced expiration
internal intercostals, abdominal muscles
scalene, quadratus lumborum