Muscle innervation Flashcards
motor: CN XII
motor: CN XII
motor: CN XII
motor: CN X
anterior 2/3
sensory: lingual branch of CN V3
special sensory: chorda tympani hitchhikes lingual branch of CN V3
posterior 1/3
sensory: CN IX
special sensory: CN IX
digastric posterior belly
motor: CN VII
digastric anterior belly
motor: nerve to mylohyoid branch of CN V3
motor: nerve to mylohyoid branch of CN V3
motor: CN VII
motor: C1 (ansa cervicalis) hitchhikes CN XII
omohyoid superior and inferior belly
motor: ansa cervicalis C1-C3
motor: ansa cervicalis C1-C3
motor: C1 (ansa cervicalis) hitchhikes CN XII
motor: ansa cervicalis C1-C3
scalene (post, mid, ant)
motor: C4-C6
motor: CN XI
motor: CN XI
muscles of mastication
motor: anterior division of CN V3
muscles of facial expression
sensory: CN V and great auricular
motor: CN VII
lesser occipital nerve
C2 (cervical plexus)
great auricular
C2-3 (cervical plexus)
transverse cutaneous/ cervical
C2-3 (cervical plexus)
C3-4 (cervical plexus)
ansa cervicalis
superior root C1
inferior root C2-3 from cervical plexus
cervical plexus
brachial plexus
C5-8 + T1
suprahyoid muscles
ant. belly of digastric + mylohyoid = CN V3 nerve to mylohyoid
post. belly digastric + stylohyoid = CN VII
geniohyoid = C1 hitchhikes CN XII
infrahyoid muscles
all ansa cervicalis
except thyrohyoid C1 hitchhikes CN XII
tongue papillae
fungiform and filiform papillae = chorda tympani CN VII hitchhikes lingual CN V3
circumvallate papillae = CN IX
parotid gland
lesser petrosal CN IX
otic ganglion
auriculotemporal CN V3
submandibular and sublingual gland
chorda tympani CN VII hitchhikes lingual CN V3
submandibular ganglion
minor salivary glands e.g. palatine, mucous, nasal
greater petrosal (CN VII) + deep petrosal (internal carotid plexus) = nerve to pterygoid
pterygopalatine ganglion
CN V2 branches e.g. nasopalatine, pharyngeal, greater and lesser palatine, posterior superior nasal
lacrimal gland
greater petrosal (CN VII) + deep petrosal (internal carotid plexus) = nerve to pterygoid
pterygopalatine ganglion
zygomatic nerve CN V2
lacrimal nerve CN V1
eyelid muscles
levator palpebrae superioris (para)
sup. branch occulomotor nerve CN III
ciliary ganglion
short ciliary nerve
superior tarsal (symp)
superior cervical ganglion
ophthalmic artery of ICA
cornea and iris
nasociliary CN V1 passes through cilairy ganglion
muscles of soft palate
motor: all (levator veli palatini, palatopharyngeus, palatoglossus, musculus uvula) = CN X pharyngeal branch, except tensor veli palatini = anterior div. CN V3
sensory: lesser palatine nerve CN V2
muscles of pharynx
motor: longitudinal muscles (palatopharyngeus, salingopharyngeus) = CN X pharyngeal branch, except stylopharyngeus = CN IX
motor: constrictor muscles (sup, mid, inf,) = CN X pharyngeal branch
sensory: CN IX
hard palate
sensory: greater palatine and nasopalatine CN V2
internal laryngeal muscles
motor: all (aryepiglottic, thyroepiglottic, posterior and lateral cricoarytenoid, transverse and oblique interarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, vocalis) = CN X recurrent laryngeal,
except cricothyroid = CN X external laryngeal branch of superior laryngeal
sensory: supraglottic = CN X internal branch of superior laryngeal, infraglottic = CN X inferior branch of recurrent laryngeal
nasal cavity
superior anterior half
special sensory: CN I
sensory: CN V1 anterior (septal and external nasal) and posterior ethmoid
inferior posterior half
sensory: CN V2 posterior/ inferior lateral nasal nerve, nasal bracnh of ant. sup. alveolar, internal branch of infraorbital, nasopalatine
ear muscles
tensor tympani = tensor tympanic nerve CN V3
stapedius = nerve to stapedius CN VII
ear sensory
vagus CN X facial CN VII auriculotemporal CN V3 lesser occipital C2 greater auricular C2-3
eye muscles
motor: SO4LR6AO3
superior oblique = trochlear CN IV
lateral rectus = abducens CN VI
all others = oculomotor CN III
sup. branch CN III = SR, levator palpebrae superioris
inf. branch CN III = MR, IR, IO, ciliary ganglion