Nasal Flashcards
septal cartilage (anteriorly)
vomer (posteriorly inferiorly)
perpendicular plate of ethmoid (posteriorly superiorly)
nasal cavity opens posteriorly into nasopharynx
via choanae/ posterior nasal aperture
opening of pharyngotympanic/ Eustachian/ auditory tube is near
features of ethmoid bone
cribriform plate
crista galli - attachment of falx cerebri
superior and middle conchae (inferior conchae is separate bone)
spaces between conchae/ turbinates
sphenoethmoidal recess
superior, middle and inferior meatus
function of conchae of lateral wall
mucosa lined, highly vascular
increased SA
for filtering, moistening and warming air
superior meatus
posterior ethmoidal sinus/ air cells
middle meatus
hiatus luminaris (via infundibulum) - maxillary sinus - frontal sinus -anterior ethmoidal sinus/ air cells bulla ethmoidalis - middle ethmoidal sinus/ air cells
inferior meatus
tears via nasolacrimal duct
sphenoethmoidal recess
sphenoidal air sinus
where do nerves and vessels enter nasal cavity
sphenopalatine foramen in pterygopalatine fossa
blood supply in superior anterior half
ANTERIOR ETHMOIDAL branch of ophthalmic artery of ICA
venous drainage in superior anterior half
superior labial vein -> facial vein -> pterygoid plexus -> cavernous sinus
innervation in superior anterior half
special sensory - olfactory nerve CN I
normal sensory - CN V1 anterior and posterior ethmoid
blood supply in inferior posterior half
maxillary artery of ECA
- sphenopalatine, greater palatine
facial artery of ECA
- lateral nasal
venous drainage in inferior posterior half
superior labial vein -> facial vein -> pterygoid plexus -> cavernous sinus