respiratory infections Flashcards
what are the common bacteria that cause respiratory infections?
S. pneumoniae
H. influnzae
M. catarrhalis
S. aureus
B. pertussis
S. pyogenes
M. tuberculosis
what are the atypical respiratory infection bacteria?
mycoplasma pneumonaie
chlamydia pneumoniae
legionella pneumophila
what makes atypical resp infection bacteria atypical?
because they are not susceptible to beta lactam antibiotics
why is Mycoplasma pneumoaie atypical?
they dont have a cell wall (which is the target of beta lactams)
why is Chlamydia pneumoniae atypical
they dont have bacterial cell wall (no peptidoglycan) which is the target of beta lactams
why is legionella pneumophila atypical?
it is intracellular (beta-lactams can’t get into the cell)
what is commonly used to culture respiratory infections?
sputum - it is graded off how little epithelial cells are in it (q0 to q3)
what are they types of pneumonia?
CAP (community acquired)
HAP (hospital acquired)
VAP (ventilator associated)
what does pnuemonia cause?
inflamed lungs - primarly the alveoli)
what are the symptoms of penumonia?
chest pain
shortness of breath
dry/productive cough
what is pneumonia caused by?
strep pneumo
what is the most important virulence factor in strep pneumo?
the capsule
are everyone infected with strep pneumo sick?
no - it colonizes the nasopharynx of 5-10% of adults and 20-40% of kids
how do we protect against pneumonia?
Pneumovax (old - not well tolerated because it is a carbohydrate vaccine)
PREVNAR (new - protein conjugated vaccine)
who do we give pneumonia vaccines to?
give both to older adults
give PREVNAR to children to protect against pneumo meningitis
what is COPD?
umbrella term referring to progressive lung disease characterized by progressively worse breathlessness
what are some illnesses covered under COPD?
emphysema, chronic bronchitis refractory asmtha
what is COPD usually caused by?
H. influenzae
what is H. influenzae?
causes COPD
g- bacillli that requires X and V factors to grow
can be encapsulated or not
how can you grow H. influenzae?
on chocoalte agar or blood agar with S. aureus to break open RBCs
what are the types of H. influenzae?
type b - encapsulated - vaccinated against - most severe illness
non-encapsulated - causes illnesses, not as severe
how is COPD treated?
amoxicillin, or ammoxicillin-clavulanate (for the 18% of H. influenza that produce beta-lactams)
what is Legionella pneumonphila
g- bacilli that is widespread in the environment and is usually harmless (except for immunocompromised)
how does legionella pnuemophila grow?
needs L-cystein - on BYCE agar