bacterial cell structures Flashcards
what appendages are found on bacterial cells?
what are flagella?
long whip structures that propel bacteria through liquid (swimming)
what are fimbrae?
short thin filaments that attach bacteria to the host
what are the two types of flagella?
monotrichouse (single) or peritrichous (multiple in a bunch)
what are pili?
short thin filaments that transfer dna between bacteria
what is the capsule?
material (often polysaccharide) that covers cell exterior with thick slime
what is the cell wall?
peptiodglycan layer (crosslink with NAG and NAM)
what type of cell walls do G+ bacteria have?
thick peptidoglycan
what type of cell walls do G- bacteria have?
thin peptidoglycan layer with outer membrane and periplasmic space
what type of cell wall do acid fast bacteria have?
thin peptidoglycan with a waxy layer and myolic acids
what is the cell membrane?
lipid bilayer which controls in and out of substances and contains endotoxin in G- bacteria
what is the cytoplasm?
liquid with variety of substances where metaboism occurs
what are ribisomes?
RNA and proteins that make proteins using two subunits
what are bacterial chromosomes?
DNA in a long circular molecule in the cytoplasm
what are plasmids?
small DNA circles outside of cytoplasm that move between bacteria
what are endospores?
dormant form of bacteria
what types of bacteria are there based on O2?
aerobic (need oxygen)
anaerobic (need no oxygen)
facultative anaerobic (can do either)
microaerophilic (need small amounts of oxygen)
what is the method of the gram stain?
crytstal violet dye (dyes all purple)
iodine (fixes dye)
alchohol (washes out dye from G-)
safranin (dyes G- pink)
what is the method of the acid-fast stain?
strong red dye (dyes all red)
alcohol (washes dye from non-AFB)
counterstain with blue/green (dyes non-AFB)