Research Methods Flashcards
Intuition, common sense
critical thinking
The tendency to believe, after learning the outcome, that you knew the outcome all along
hindsight bias
thinking you know more or better than you actually do about something
over confidence
the tendency to overestimate that others share the sane beliefs as yourself
false consensus
Put these in Order
1- Design and carryout experiment (collecting data)
2-Evaluate hypothesis + analyze data + draw conclusions
3-Identify a problem and formulate hypothesis
4-Communicate and Publish Results
3, 1,2,4
Testable prediction
principles that organize and predict behavior and events
repeating the research study
explains exactly what you mean in your hypothesis; real life terms
operational definition
any research that observes and records, describing
Descriptive research
one person or situation is observed in depth, asking questions or interviewing
The Case Study Method
Name an advantage and a disadvantage of the case study method.
Advantage : Get a lot of data and information
Disadvantage: Doesn’t always apply to many other people
Name an advantage and a disadvantage of the Naturalistic Observation method
Advantage: uncorrupted information, people are acting normal
Disadvantage: observer bias
observing people in their natural environment
Naturalistic Observation method
The survey method
Name an advantage and a disadvantage of the Survey Method
Advantage: cheap, anonymous
Disadvantage: people lie
group you want to learn about
people who are taking the survey
all the subgroups of the population you are studying
representative sample
looking for a relationship between two variables, based on surveys
correlation research
disadvantage of correlation research
doesn’t explain how one variable causes another
variables go in the same direction (increase study increase gpa)
positive correlation
variables go in opposite directions (increase video games decrease gpa)
negative correlation
no connection in variables
zero correlation