Learning Flashcards
watching, then imitating
observational learning
watching someone preform a task or express an emotion and feeling the same or being capable of preforming because the same connections are fired
mirror neurons
who is associated with observational learning
Albert Bandura
what experiment did Bandura do
Bobo doll experiment
what was the result of the Bobo doll experiment
Children exposed to aggressive shows were aggressive
viewing media violence results to increased expression of violence, along with antisocial parents
modeling violence
prosocial models have postive prosocial effects
positive observational learning
relatively permanent change in an organisms behavior due to experience
refers to a learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus is paired with a previously neutral stimulus
Classical conditioning
who coined Classical conditioning
Ivan pavlov
elicits a natural response
food in Pavlov’s experiment
Unconditioned stimulus
Natural response to Unconditioned stimulus
Salivation to food in Pavlov’s experiment
unconditioned response
originally a neutral stimulus, paired with Uncontrolled stimulus
bell in Pavlov’s experiment
Conditioned stimulus
Learned response to previous neural stimulus, happens w out thought
salivation to bell in pavlov’s experiment
Conditioned response
initial learning stage, conditioning process
for animals, the ___ must come before the ___.
Can’t ring bell and not bring food w it and expect salivation
neutral , uncontrolled
must be within ___ for animal to make a connection between things
half a second
caused by CS alone, counter conditioning
CR may still appear after extinction
Spontaneous recovery
similar stimuli, same result (ex dog salivating to horn and bell)