Developmental Psychology Flashcards
a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span
developmental psychology
takes place in the fallopian tube, 1 egg v 200 sperm, only one sperm will unite with 1 egg
fertilized egg
what are the 3 stages of prenatal development in order
germinal , embryo, fetus
lasts 2 weeks, cellular division takes place
germinal period
lasts 8-9 weeks, organs start to function/form, weighs a grace, and is .5 an inch at the end
lasts 2-9 months, growth occurs, fine details (hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, sex)
carries nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, and filters harmful substances
drugs and viruses, can cross placenta and harm the fetus
physical and cognitive abnormalities caused by drinking
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Name some reflexes a newborn is born with
grasping, suckling, rooting, startle
Senses a newborn has/doesnt have
Vision 8-12 inches away
lack color vision
when does a child see 20/20
6 months
Newborn preferences
human voices and faces, face like objects, smell and sound of mother, habituation
Decreased responsiveness with repeated stimulation
maturation is known as
Physical development
Physical development is known as
What sequence is universal between all new borns, though timing is different
motor development
All mental processes associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating
developmental psychologist, created 3 step learning model, Theory of cognitive development
Jean Piaget
concept that that organizes and interprets information, like a folder
taking new information/experiences and grouping into an existing schema
adapting ones current understand understanding to incorporating new information
stage that experiencing the world, senses, actions: lack object perimance, (birth-2 yr)
Sensorimotor stage
stage that lacks logical reasoning, pretend play, language development, egocentrism, lacks theory of mind (3-6)
preoperational stage
awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived
object perimance
the inability to take another point of view
understanding others mental states
theory of mind
inpaired communication, social interaction, and theory of mind
thinking logically, mathematically, seriation, conservation
concrete operational (7-11)
putting things in order
the principal that properties like mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects