Research Flashcards
Evidence based practice
combines best evidence, patient values, clinical experience
ask > search > appraise > implement > evaluate
Quality of evidence
Meta analysis is best/GOLD standard
Case series/report lowest level of evidence
Meta analysis and systematic review
Meta analysis
- gold standard
- stats performed on collected data
systematic review
- statistics not performed
- summary of evidence
Randomized controlled trials (RCT)
Determine efficacy of intervention
Participants randomly allocated into different groups to minimize bias
Cohort studies
Compares a cohort who share a common characteristic - with and without the exposure
ex: all residents of one town and risk of CVD
Case control studies
Compares a group of individuals with a specific condition with a group of people w/o the same condition
2 groups
Similar demographics
One with, one without condition
ex: stroke vs non-stroke
Cross sectional studies
From a population at a single point in time
Longitudinal studies
Repeated measurement of same individual or group across extended time periods
Case series/case reports
Document clinical case of a single patient or series of patients
small sample size
Qualitative categories
Nominal - mutually exclusive, cannot overlap; blood types
ordinal - ordered/ranked variables; MMT
NOn-parametric data
Quantitative categories
Discrete - whole numbers (# of people)
Continuous - decimals, measurements
Interval - no true zero; temperature
RatiO - true 0; height
Does a zero make sense? yes then ratio, no then interval
Intra-rater reliability
Test performed by 1 person several times (in one sitting)
Inter-rater reliability
Test performed by 2 or more individuals on different subjects for one variable
Test-retest reliability
Same test to the same individual on two occasions
Concurrent validity
compared to GOLD standard
Lachmans test vs MRI (gold)
Content validity
Extent to which test accurately asses what its supposed to assess
6MWT > endurance
MMT > strength
Construct validity
What the test is supposed to measure
goniometer measures ROM
Face validity
What the test appears to measure
subjective - question survey
Type 1 error
False positive
P = 1 vertical line = type 1 error
Type 2 error
False negative
N = 2 vertical lines = type 2 error