NPTEFF Reading Week 1 Flashcards
SLR basic - sciatic and tibial nn.
hip flexion and ADD
knee extension
ankle DF
SLR2 - tibial n.
hip flexion
knee extension
ankle DF, eversion
toe extension
SLR3 - sural n.
hip flexion
knee extension
ankle DF, inversion
SLR4 - common peroneal n.
hip flexion, IR
knee extension
ankle PF, inversion
SLR5 - crossed SLR - disc hern.
hip flexion
knee extension
ankle DF
Nerve injury that causes a transient and focal loss of function (sensory or motor)
Related to compressive forces
dysfunction is rapidly reversible or can persist for weeks to months
Mildest form; positive prognosis if compression removed
focal damage to axon, myelin, varying degree of peripheral tissue
increased duration compression, crush injury, traction forces
prognosis is related to degree of connective tissue damage
axonal regrowth: 1-3 mm/day; 1 in/month
Severing of axon, myelin, connective tissue
complete LOF, requires surgery
Axonal regeneration
axons that undergo regeneration do not remyelinate to preinjury levels
impacts nerve conduction velocity, speed/coordination of movement
collateral sprouting
intact axons can pick up denervated terminal targets (muscle)
often results in switching of fiber types (type I > type II)
involvement of single nerve
mononeuropathy multiplex
involvement of 2 or more nerves without clear pattern of polyneuropathy
involvement of brachial or lumbosacral plexus
Exam of peripheral nerve disorders
Sensory, motor, autonomic symptoms (occurs stocking/glove pattern; hair loss, vascular changes)
Autonomic dysfunction (vasodilation and loss of vasomotor tone)
Balance and fall risk
Slump test 2 (ST2)
cervical flexion
thoracic/lumbar flexion
hip flexion and ABD
knee extension
ankle DF
bias: obturator n.
Side-lying slump test (ST3)
cervical flexion
thoracic/lumbar flexion
hip flexion 20 deg
knee flexion
ankle PF
bias: femoral n.
long-sitting slump test (ST4)
cervical flexion, rotation
thoracic/lumbar flexion
hip flexion
knee extension
ankle DF
bias: spinal cord, cervical/lumbar nerve roots, sciatic nerve
concave on convex arthrokinematics
roll and glide in SAME direction
concAve = sAme
convex on concave arthrokinematics
roll and glide in OPPOSITE directions
CMC radial adduction and abduction arthrokinematics
saddle joint
concave on convex
roll/glide in same direction
radial adduction (flexion) = ulnar roll/glide
radial abduction (extension) = radial roll/glide
*thumb points in direction of roll/glide
CMC palmar adduction and abduction arthrokinematics
saddle joint
convex and concave
roll/glide opposite directions
palmar adduction = volar (anterior) glide, dorsal roll
palmar abduction = dorsal (posterior) glide, volar roll
Swayback posture
neutral or posterior tilt pelvis
increased pelvic inclination to ~40
thoracolumbar spine exhibits kyphosis
- hip extensors
- lower lumbar extensors
- upper abdominals
- hip flexors
- lower abdominals
- lower thoracic extensors
patellar tendinitis
- age 15-50
- gradual onset
- inflammation of patellar tendon
- tenderness at tendon
- pain with passive end range knee flexion
- agg w/ squatting jumping
osgood schlatter disease
- age: 8-13 F, 10-15 M
- sudden onset
- traction apophysitis of tibial tubercle
- visible lump at site
- pain with running, jumping, squatting, kneeling, acute knee impact, stairs ascent/descent
- agg w/ resisted knee ext or quad stress