Abnormal Gait Flashcards
Tightness vs weakness
Contractures affect opposite side step length/ROM
- hip flexion contracture will lead to decreased hip extension on same side and decrease in step length on opposite side
Weakness affects same side step length/ROM
- weakness of hip flexors will cause decreased hip flexion on same side and decrease in step length on same side
Muscle activity in the gait cycle: hip abductors
Hip Abductors
Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus, Tensor fascia lata
Stance phase
Eccentric contraction – stabilize pelvis
Muscle activity in the gait cycle: hip adductors
Hip Adductors
Adductor longus/brevis, Gracilis, Adductor magnus (horizontal and
vertical heads)
Early and late stance
Concentric contraction - stabilize pelvis
Muscle activity in the gait cycle: gluteus maximus
Initial stance phase
Eccentric contraction - decelerate forward momentum
Muscle activity in the gait cycle: erector spinae
Heel strike through toe-off
Maintain trunk posture
Causes of backward lean
In stance:
weak hip extensors
hip flexion rigid contracture (2/2 anterior pelvic tilt compensation)
In swing:
Weak hip flexors
Causes of forward lean
In stance:
Weak hip flexors
Hip flexion contracture
Weak quadriceps
Plantar flexor contracture or spasticity
Muscle activity in the gait cycle: peroneus longus and brevis
Stance phase
Concentric contraction - maintain medial and lateral stability of the foot
Muscle activity in the gait cycle: foot intrinsics
Stance phase
Concentric contraction - support plantar fascia
Excessive knee extension (hyperextension) causes
Quad weakness
Excessive ankle plantar flexion
Excessive plantarflexion impact on gait
Causes loss of progression - leads to shortened stride length and reduce velocity
Low heel contract at initial contact and forefoot contact
3 substitutions/compensations
- premature heel off
- knee hyperextension
- forward trunk lean
Excessive PF deviation
Causes: plantar flexor contracture or spasticity, fused ankle in PF
Occurs during MSt and/or TSt
IC is made by the forefoot, and the heel is brought to the ground by displacing the tibia posteriorly at MSt; forward trunk lean and hip flexion during TSt to shift weight of the
body over foot for forward progression
Early heel-off
Excessive DF deviation
Causes: inability of plantar flexors to control tibial advancement; knee and/or hip flexion contractures; fixed DF deformity
Occurs during MSt and/or TSt
Late heel-off; reduced push-off; shorter step length
Foot slap deviation
Causes: mild weakness of dorsiflexors
After heel strike, rapid ankle flexion
➤ Phase: LR
Characteristic noise: foot slap when the foot hits the ground
Ankle dorsiflexors have enough strength to dorsiflex but not enough to control ankle PF after heel strike
Foot flat deviation
Causes: marked weakness of dorsiflexors, PF contracture, knee flexion contracture
Entire plantar aspect of foot comes into contact with the ground at IC, followed by normal passive ankle DF
Ankle dorsiflexors have enough strength to partially dorsiflex the ankle during the swing phase
Normal DF in the stance phase present if there is normal ankle ROM
Excessive inversion deviation
Causes: overactive invertors, contracture of invertors, weakness of evertors, primitive extensor pattern
Excessive subtalar joint inversion
Stance or swing phase
High medial longitudinal arch
Excessive eversion deviation
Causes: overactive evertors, contracture of evertors, weakness of invertors, primitive flexor pattern
Excessive subtalar joint eversion
Stance or swing phase
Flattening of medial longitudinal arch and internal rotation of lower extremity (LE) during the stance phase
Normal medial longitudinal arch noted during the swing phase