Required practical: heat loss in a reaction Flashcards
What is the aim of the experiment?
To measure the temperature change in an exothermic reaction (neutralisation)
What reaction are we using and why?
Neutralisation between sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid
Because neutralisation is exothermic
Independent variable
Increasing volumes of sodium hydroxide solutions by 5cm3
Dependent variable
Maximum temperature reached in the reaction
Control variable
Volume of hydrochloric acid
Concentrations of the acid and alkali
Step 1
Measure 30cm3 of dilute HCl
Step 2
Pour acid into a polystyrene cup and put that inside a beaker
Step 3
Use thermometer to measure initial temp of the acid
Step 4
Measure 5cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution and pour into the polystyrene cup
Step 5
Fit a plastic lid through the cup with a hole for the thermometer
Check thermometer bulb is in the solution
Step 6
Use thermometer to stir the solution
When the temp stops changing, record the highest it reached
Step 7
Repeat everything again but in intervals of +5cm3 of sodium hydroxide until we get to 40cm3
Step 8
Repeat the whole experiment again 2 times and calculate the mean
What do the results look like?
Increasing alkali solution increases maximum temperature reached
Up to a certain point when it slowly decreases
Why does the maximum temp reached increase with more alkali added to a certain point?
Because it’s an exothermic reaction
More sodium hydroxide = more particles are reacting
= more energy released
= higher temperature
Why does the reaction cause a certain maximum temperature?
Because now all alkali and acid particles have reacted
Because the alkali is now in excess
causing the maximum possible energy to be released
Why does at a certain point the maximum temp decreases?
We are adding greater volumes of particles
Therefore the energy is spread out more
Thus maximum temp reached decreases
Why do we use a plastic lid and polystyrene cup?
Measuring temp means reducing temp loss
Therefore use good insulating materials to prevent escaping temperature
Why do we put the polystyrene cup in a beaker?
To prevent it from falling over or spilling