essential for the perpetuation of species, thus, prevent its extinction
immobile haploid gamete (sex cell) of the female
female reproductive system (8)
- ovary
- infundibulum
- oviduct/ fallopian tube
- uterus
- cervix
- vagina
- vulva
- clitoris
paired, almond shaped organ situated near the uterine horn just behind the kidney;
- ovary
produces the ova and secretes estrogen
- ovary
female sex hormone produce by ovary
portion of uterine tube adjacent to the ovary; shaped like a funnel in its expanded form
- infundibulum
picks up the egg when released by the ovary at the time of ovulation
- infundibulum
structure that connects the ova from each ovary to the respective horn of the uterus;
passageway of the egg on its way to the uterus
- oviduct/ fallopian tube
site of fertilization and site of early embryonic development
- oviduct/ fallopian tube
tubular structure extending from the termination of the both fallopian tubes to a point where its horns joins its body and continues to the cervix
- uterus
site of implantationand serves in a nutritive and productive capacity for the developing embryo
- uterus
neck of the uterus;
passage way of semen and protects the uterus from foreign materials
- cervix
secretes a sticky mucus seal during pregnancy
- cervix
tube extending from the cervix down to the vulva;
receives the penis in copulation
- vagina
provides a passageway for the fully developed fetus during parturition
- vagina
common passage way for the products of reproduction and urine
- vulva
a rudimentary organ situated ventrally to the vulva;
homologous to the glans penis in the male
- clitoris
male reproductive system (4)
- testis
- scrotum
- excurrent ducts
- accessory glands
- excurrent ducts
a. epididymis
b. ductus deferens (vas deferens)
c. urethra
- accessory glands
a. ampulla
b. seminal vesicles
c. prostate gland
d. cowpea’s gland
e. penis
male mobile haploid gamete
the paired primary sex organ of the male
function of testes
- production of sperm
2. secretion of androgen
male sex hormone
location of testes in birds
within the body cavity
location of testes in mammals
located in the scrotum, outside the abdominal cavity
pouch of skin, external covering of the testes;
protects the testes from direct mechanical injuries
- scrotum
provides the testes an environment w/c is a few degrees cooler than the body temperature
- scrotum
long convulated tube w/c connects the efferent ducts (vasa efferentia) of the testes w/ the ductus deferens (vas deferens)
a. epididymis
place for maturation of the spermatozoa before ejaculation
a. epididymis
muscular tube w/c merges with the epididymis and extends upward to the abdominal cavity and empties in the urethra
b. ductus deferens (vas deferens)
propels the spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct in the urethra during ejaculation
b. ductus deferens (vas deferens)
canal starting from the junction of the ampulla and ends at the opening of the penis
c. urethra
common passage of semen and urine
c. urethra
an enlarge portion of the ductus deferens just before its entrance into urethra
a. ampulla
the temporary storage of sperm until ejaculation time
a. ampulla
paired glands w/c are located on either side of the ampulla;
b. seminal vesicles
produce a secretion high in fructose w/c acts as vehicle for sperm transport
b. seminal vesicles
an unpaired gland w/c more or less surrounds the urethra
c. prostate gland
produces a viscous secretion w/c stimulates sperm activity and gives the semen its characteristic odor
c. prostate gland
small paired gland located on either side of pelvic urethra
d. cowpea’s gland
an erectile tissue
e. penis
fuction of penis
- drain the urinary bladder of urine
2. introduces the spermatozoa to the vagina
consists of sperm cells and the secretions of the accessory glands
lifespan of spermatozoa in female reproductive tract: chicken
14 days
lifespan of spermatozoa in female reproductive tract: man
20-30 hours
indication that sexual maturity is reached;
capable of producing offsprings;
usual manifestation is showing signs of estrus
the interval from the beginning of one heat period (estrus) to the start of another heat period
estrous cycle
4 stages of estrous cycle
- proestrus
- estrus
- metestrus
- diestrus
period between regression of the corpus luteum (CL) and estrus, when follicar development is occurring and estrogen production is increasing; ( about the 18th - 20th days of the bovine cycle)
- proestrus
period of sexual receptivity, due to high levels of estrogen;
depending upon the species, length of estrus ranges from about 12hrs to several days;
estrogen levels bring about surge of LH and FSH
- estrus
phase following estrus when the CL forms and begins to produce progesterone
- metestrus
phase when the CL is highly active in its production of progesterone
- diestrus
classification of animals based on the occurrence of their estrous cycle
- monoestrus
- seasonaly polyestrus
- polyestrus
animal comes in heat only once a year;
ex. dogs,
- monoestrus
comes in heat in certain seasons only
ex. sheep
- seasonaly polyestrus
comes in heat throughout the year
ex. cattle, swine, carabao
- polyestrus
signs of heat or estrus (6)
- reddening and swelling of vulva
- mucus discgarges from the vagina
- frequent urination
- restlessness and lack of apetite
- mounting other animals in the herd
- female stands still when mounted - best sign
when to breed or inseminate
- ovulation would likely take place, or as close as possible to expected ovulation time.
- best time to inseminate is towards the end of estrus
- duration of estrus is variable
- when observed that the animal is in heat, inseminate right away.
reduces conception rate due to the loss of sperm viability
too early insemination
ovulation of cattle and carabao
15 - 18 hrs from the end of estrus
estrus duration in carabao
5-36 hrs (18 hrs average)
estrus duration in swine
2-3 days; best to inseminate on the 2nd and 3rd day
estrus duration in mares
6-7 days; best is on 4th and 5th day
sperm cells reside in the female reproductive tract before becoming capable of attaching to and penetrating the ovum;
believed to start in the uterus
sperm capacitation
process in w/c sperm fuses with an ovum to form zygote
fertilized cell in w/c the genetic materials of the sperm and ovum are combined
2 methods of fertilization
a. external fertilization
b. internal fertilization
both parents expel their gametes into another medium, such as water, w/o necessarily coming into contact w/ each other
a. external fertilization
male deposits sperm inside the female reproductive tract
b. internal fertilization
3 forms of devt. in internal fertilization
- oviparity
- ovoviviparity
- viviparity
embryo formed inside the female is deposited outside her body as an egg;
after devt., offspring hatch out of the egg and directly into the environment.
ex. all birds and some reptiles
- oviparity
embryo develops inside the female body, although it still obtains all nourishment from the egg yolk. the young hatches fully developed and are released from the female’s body.
ex. many reptiles and some fish
- ovoviviparity
embryo develops inside the female’s body and the young obtain their nourishment from the female’s blood, rather than egg yolk. the young emerges fully developed from the female body.
ex. almost all mammals
- viviparity
cattle gamete longevity (hrs)
horse gamete longevity (hrs)
sheep gamete longevity (hrs)
swine gamete longevity (hrs)
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of quail
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of pigeon
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of chicken
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of mallard duck
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of turkey
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of geese
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of muscovy duck
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of rabbit
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of swine
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of sheep
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of goat
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of cattle
incubation/ pregnancy (days) of carabao
expected number of young produced per year of quail
expected number of young produced per year of pigeon
expected number of young produced per year of chicken
expected number of young produced per year of mallard duck
expected number of young produced per year of turkey
expected number of young produced per year of geese
expected number of young produced per year of muscovy duck
expected number of young produced per year of rabbit
expected number of young produced per year of swine
expected number of young produced per year of sheep
expected number of young produced per year of goat
expected number of young produced per year of cattle
expected number of young produced per year of carabao
estrus duration of rabbit
estrus duration of swine
estrus duration of sheep
estrus duration of goat
estrus duration of cattle
estrus duration of carabao
the period of time from conception to birth of the offspring
gestation period
fusion of fetal membranes to the endometrium of the uterus to permit physiological exchange between fetus and mother;
unique feature of early mammalian development as it allows provison of nutrients from the maternal organism
the physiological process by w/c the pregnant uterus delivers the fetus and placenta from the maternal organism; triggered by the fetus; may be divided into 3 stages
3 stages of parturition
- dilation of the cervix
- delivey of newborn
- shedding of placenta or fetal membranes
signs of approaching parturition
- changes in pelvic ligament
- enlargement and edema of the vulva
- mammary activity - obvious enlargement of the mammary gland occurs in all farm species
- presence of milk in mammary gland - strong indication
resulting balance of heat dissipation;
its stability is prerequisite for high productivity in animals
body temperature
2 groups of animal based on the ability to regulate body temp.
- warm-blooded
2. cold-blooded
process of heat dissipation
- conduction
- convection
- radiation
- vaporization
involves direct contact of the animal w/ a part of itsv environment
- conduction
heat is transferred to or from the animal by the movement of the heated air particles;
affect by posture of the animal and other conditions affecting surface area
- convection
transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves; no material medium or physical contact
- radiation
most important process in heat dissipation by w/c animals lose heat to maintain a constant body temp;
heat loss from the skin and respiratory surfaces
- vaporization
body temp. is normal w/o much regulation;
the environmental temp. at w/c the heat loss is equal to the minumum heat production
thermal neutrality