series of process by w/c an organism takes in and assimilates food for promoting growth and replacing worn-it or injured tissues
encompasses several fields of discipline like biochemistry, chemistry, physiology, endocrinology, microbiology, genetics
any feed constituents or a group of feed constituents of the same general chemical composition that aids in the support of life;
may include synthetically produced vitamins, chemical action, enzyme activity
combination of anabolic and catabolic reactions occurring in the body with the liberation of energy;
can occur only after the basic units of nutrients have been absorbed into the blood;
involved all the chemical reactions performed by the cells
basic unit of protein
amino acid
basic unit of starch
glucose (non-ruminant)
VFA and lactic acid (ruminant)
basic unit of cellulose
basic unit of sucrose
glucose and fructose
basic unit of lactose
glucose and galactose
basic unit of lipids
fatty acids and glycerol
basic unit of minerals
any soluble form
basic unit of vitamins
any soluble form
nutrients (6)
- water
- carbohydrate
- fats (lipids)
- proteins
- minerals
- vitamins
cheapest and most abundant nutrient
makes up to 65-85% of animal body weight at birth and 45-60% of body weight at maturity
composition of carbohydrate by % molecular weight
C - 40%
H - 7%
O - 53%
functions of carbohydate in animal body (4)
- source of energy
- source of heat
- building stores for other nutrients
- stored in animal body by converting to fats
deficiencies of abnormal metabolism in carbohydrates
- ketosis
2. diabetes mellitus
deficiencies of abnormal metabolism in carbohydrates
*fat will yield 2.25 times more energy than carbohydrates or proteins
C - 77%
H - 12%
O - 11%
functions of fats (lipids)
- dietary supply
- source of heat, insulation and protection for the body
- source of essential fatty acids,linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acid
- serve as carrier for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
deficiencies and abnormal metabolism in fats (lipids)
- skin lesions, hair loss and reduced growth rate
- ketosis
- fatty liver
catabolism of body fat
abnormal metabolism of liver
fatty liver
location and natural sources of fat
animal body:
- subcutaneous
- surrounding internal organs
- marbling and milk
composition of proteins by % molecular weight
C - 53% H - 7% O - 23% N - 16% P - 1%
composed of true proteins and any nitrogenou products
crude protein
formula of crude protein
CP = %N x 6.25
refers to the amount and ratio of essential amino acids present in protein
protein quality
amino acids w/c are essential to the animal and must be supplied in the diet because the animal cannot synthesize them fast enough to meet its requirement.
essential amino acids
list of essential amino acids (10)
- phenylalanine
- valine
- threonine
- tryptophan
- isoleucine
- methionine
- histidine
- arginine
- leucine
- lysine
amino acids w/c are not essential to the animal but are normally synthesized or sufficient in the diet and need not be supplemented.
non-essential amino acids
list of non-essential amino acids (12)
- alanine
- asparagine
- aspartic acid
- cysteine
- cystine
- glutamic acid
- glutamine
- glycine
- hydroxyproline
- proline
- serine
- tyrosine
functions of protein
- basic structural unit of the body
2. body metabolism
amino acid deficiency
lack of an important amino acid w/c result to deamination
deficiencies and abnormalities (protein)
reduced growth rate and feed efficiency
amino acid deficiency - deamination
total mineral content of plants or animals
classification of minerals
- major minerals
2. trace minerals
minerals that normally present at greater level or needed in relatively large amounts in the diet
- major minerals