nature’s most perfect food;
with its assortment pf protein, fat, lactose (milk sugar), minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and water;
low in Fe, and vitamin C
*young animals consuming nothing but milk may develop anemia
nutritional importance of milk (2)
- contains all the essential amino acids needed by humans
2. the protein of milk is composed of casein, lactalbumin, globulin, and serum albumin
most abundant protein consistent in milk;
has many uses in addition to providing protein in the diet.
is part of the enzyme system that synthesizes lactose in the mammary gland. it is part of the enzymes into milk as a by-product and becomes part of milk protein
are structural parts of antibodies
protein globulins
first milk a female produces after the young is born;
contains antibodies that give the new born protection from harmful microorganisms that invade the body and causes illness
other constituents of milk w/c are important in bone growth and other body functions
- lactose
* minerals such as Ca and P
several vitamins in milk
vitamin A
vitamin B complex
vitamin D
Vitamin E
vitamin that help keep the intestinal tract and skin proper repair
vitamin A
vitamin that prevents scurvy (a disease characterized by bleeding, spongy gums and loose teeth
vitamin C
Required Dietary Allowance (RDA) for milk for filipinos
30 kg
milk consumption per filipino per year
16 kg/yr
milk consumption per filipino mean one day per capita food consumption
803 g
milk and milk products
44g (5.48%)
44 x 365 days = 16, 060 g
total milk required by 75 million filipinos
30kg x 75M = 2250Mkg
local production of milk
10.21 million kg
percentage of imports of cream and milk, mainly in powder form
percentage imports of butterand butterfat
percentage imports of curd
percentage imports of cheese
imported milk
1904.25 million kg (402.12M US dollar)
source of milk importation
Australia =
New Zealand =
Netherlands =
Australia = 44.5%
New Zealand = 20.7%
Netherlands = 8.3%
USA = 7.4%
exportation, basically exports of milk and cream products and dairy spreads
- 1M kg (14.04M US dollar)
Act integrates all govt. dairy programs into the NDA or National Dairy Authority;
Signed into law by president Fidel V. Ramos on February 20, 1995 and became effective on March 12, 1995
Dairy Development Act of 1995 (R.A. 7884)
organized in 1962 froim the Dairy Husbandry Division of the Department of animal Science UPLBCA;
mandated to conduct research and training in dairy production and technology
DTRI (Dairy Training and Research Institute)
were developed mainly from the taurine species
conventional dairy cattle
factors in choosing cattle for milk production (2)
- breed popular in the community
2. high salvage value of the animal
breed that are being promoted by the government (2)
- Holstein
2. Bos indicus breed Sahiwal known as Australian Friesian Sahiwal (AFS)
best indicators that a cow will remain a high producer for a long time;
dairy operators use this indicator in selction of dairy cows
*properly attched udder and strong feet
dependent on reproduction since it is is secondary sex characteristics
milk production
most dairymen agree with this ideal calving interval to maximize production and profit
month calving interval
- a normal cow can be described as one that becomes pregnant on the 1st or 2nd service and produces a live healthy calf every 12 - 13 mos.
bull’s volume of semen/ejaculate
varies from 2 - 15ml w/ average of 5- 6 ml
sperm concentration
ranges from 1 - 3B sperm per ml , w/ an average of about 2B per ml.
% motile cells
0 - 85%, average of 70%
average ejaculate contains about how many motile cells?
(5ml semen x 2 B/ml x 70%)
*in natural service, with these values no more than 15% abnormal sperm (head or tail abnormalities)
bull service per yr in natural service
50 - 100 cows
bull service per yr in AI
10,000 - 20,000 cows
use to collect semen in AI
artificial vagina
Artificial insemination (read)
- volume is recorded and the ejaculate concentration (spematozoa per ml) motility and morphology)
- an average ejaculate of 5ml semen that conatins 1.25B live cells per ml after freezing contains enough spematozoa for 500 - 600 inseminations.
semen in AI should be diluted w/ ?
semen is diluted w/ an egg-yolk-citrate extender or milk base extender
if semen in AI is to be frozen it should be diluted w/ ?
are calculated to yield a final motile spermatozoa per insemination of 10 - 12 M
dilution rates
semen should be packaged in?
ampules or straws
where the semen should be stored and temperature required?
frozen and stored usually in liquid Nitrogen storage tank at a temp of -300 to -320 deg F (-128 to -196 deg cel)
viability period of semen that is maintained in correct temperature
it will remain viable for 10-15 yrs or more
cow’s Reproductive Physiology (read)
- ova produced in follicle of the ovary, realease from follicle (ovulation)
- picked up the infindubilum of the oviduct
- move and fertilized in the oviduct (fertilization)
- moved in uterine horn (4-6 days)
- implanted in uterus (30-33days)
- embryo is carried in uterus while developing into a full term calf
- calf dischrage through cervix, vagina and vulva