refers to the minimum energy expenditure to maintain essential life processes
basal metabolism or fasting catabolism
correlated increase in the mass of the body to reach the size at maturity fixed by heredity;
reflected in increased weight and size;
characterized by: increase the number and size of cells
energy requirement for growth
energy from carbohydrates, fats and protein is driving force for tissue synthesis and anabolism.
ways of energy restriction
- limits the total feed intake
2. lower the energy content or density of the ration ex. make ration bulky
practical measure of growth performance of farm animals
- average daily gain weight (ADG)
2. feed efficiency (F/G)
factors greatly affecting growth performance
- hereditary (breed or strain of the animal)
2. environment (nutrition and management)
ADG(kg) & F/G kg feed/kg (liveweight gain)
growing pigs (improved crossbreds)
- 4 - 0.6
2. 5 - 3.5
ADG(kg) & F/G kg feed/kg (liveweight gain)
growing cattle (native)
- 4 - 0.5
11. 0 - 12.0
ADG(kg) & F/G kg feed/kg (liveweight gain)
growing cattle (native-zebu grades)
- 5 - 0.7
10. 0 - 11.0
ADG(kg) & F/G kg feed/kg (liveweight gain)
broiler (modern strains)
- 5 - 1.8 (6-7 weeks)
2. 0 - 2.3
constitute large portion of expenses in any livestock enterprise
most extensively used method for determining the nutritive value of feeds
proximate analysis/ weende analysis
proximate analysis/ weende analysis
includes ffg. analysis in: (5)
- moisture
- crude fat
- crude fiber
- crude protein
- ash
determined by accurately weighing finely ground sample before and after drying to constant weight at 105C for at least 5 hrs.
residue that includes all ether soluble susbtances such as waxes, essential oils, and pigments but is mostly fat and fatty acid esters
crude fat
a rough measure of the portion of carbohydrates poorly used by monogastric animals
crude fiber
total N multiplied by a factor 6.25 based on the data that protein contains as average of 16% N
crude protein
the residue remaining after combustion