reproductive system Flashcards
1.produce gametes egg and sperm
2.gonads (testes and ovaries) store gametes and regulate reproduction via hormones
3.testes and ovaries are endocrine glands belong in endocrine and reproductive system
what are testes and what do they contain and are organized into?
paired plum size
contain seminferous tubules (sperm factories)
organized into lobules
spermatogenisis occurs here
what are the other cells in testes?
sustentacular cells
aka nurse cells or sertoli cells
what do nurse cells do?
1.nourish and promote the development of sperm
2. secrete testicular fluid
3. secrete androgen binding protein to create concentration in testes
4. secrete hormone inhibin which inhibits spermatogenisis
5. form blood-testes barriers which are tight junctions between cells protect developing sperm from immune system and regulate tubular fluid contents
what are interstitial cells?
leydig cells
1.large cells in interstitial spaces between seminiferous tubules
2. secrete hormone testosterone
why are testes located in the scrotum?
temp is 2-4 degress below normal
body temp required for sperm to develop
which two muscles regulate testes temperature?
cremaster muscle- skeletal muscle contrats to pull testes closer to body
dartos muscle- smooth muscle in dermis contracts to wrinkle scrotal skin which reduces heat loss
what is the duct rete testis?
network of tubules connecting seminiferous tubules with epididymis
some reabsorption of fluid here to concentrate sperm
what is the duct epididmysis?
coiled duct on top of each testis approx 20 ft
sperm stored here for 40-60 days
sperm get coated with proteins which makes them non-motile
sperm only become motile once combine with seminal fluid are further activated in female repro tract
smooth muscle in epididymis contracts during ejaculation
what is the ductus deferens ?
approx 18 inch in length
lies in spermatic cord which is a tube of fascia containing blood vessels and nerves
passes through a inguinal canal in abdominal wall
what is the urethra duct?
duct for urine and semen and is the prostatic urethra and penile urethra
conveys semen from ejaculatory duct to outside
what are the accessory glands?
they contribute to the seminal fluid
what are the seminal glands?
seminal vesicles
paired and contribute to 60% of semen volume
is a alkaline secretion
what does a alkaline secretion contain?
- fructose which is an energy source for sperm
- prostaglandins which triggers smooth muscle contraction
- fibrinogen which coagulates semen
- substances that enhance sperm motility
what is the prostate gland?
single approx size of a walnut in shell encircles urethra
contibutes to 30% of semen volume
contain prostatic fluid
what does prostatic fluid contain?
1.l seminalplasmin which is a antibiotic like protein
2. fibrionlysin which breaks down fibrinogen
3. PSA prostate specific antigen helps liquify semen and cervical mucus
what are the bulbourethral glands?
cowpers gland
small, paired at the base of the penis
secrete alkaline mucus which is pre-ejaculate to neutralize traces of urine and lubricates tip of penis