lab midterm 2 Flashcards
what is emmetropia?
normal eye; focal plane is on the retina distance vision is normal
what is hyperopia?
farsightedness focal planes fall behind the retina eyeballs are often flatter and far distance is clear but near vision is blurred
what is myopia?
focal plane falls infront of retina eyeball is elongated distance objects are blurry
what is sensorineural deafness?
cochlea/ cochlear nerve is damaged and there is no cure
what is conduction deafness?
damaged tympanic membrane/ossicles can be cured with hearing aids
what is protanopia?
red colour blindness or a lack or red cones
what is deuteranopia?
green colour blindness or lack of green cones
what is stereopsis??
3 demsional vision
what is a sesamoid bone?
small bone found embedded within muscle/tendon eg platella
what does the axial skeleton consist of?
skull verterbal column and bony thoasics
what passes through the foramen magnum?>
spinal cord
what attaches to the mastoid process?
sternocleiodmastoid muscles rotates head
what attaches to styloid process?
muscles of toungue
what forms the zygomatic arch?
Temporal process of zygomatic bone
what forms the ethmoid bone?
crista galli, cribriform plate, perpendicular plate, ethmoid sinuses and nasal conchae
what makes up the sphenoid bone?
optic foramina, sella turcica (where pituitary gland sits)
sphenoid sinus
what vertebras articulate with the ribs?
what is the sacral?
5 fused vertebraes, sacral foramina allows passage of spinal nerves and blood vessels and the auricular surafe articulates the illiac
what organ is protected by sternum?
what articulates with body of sternum?
ribs true 2-7
what does the appendicular skeleton consist of?
pectoral girdle and the arm bones
pelvic girdle and the leg bones
what three bones make up hip bone?
sacrum, iliac, anf femur