Reproductive: Ovarian Cancer Flashcards
When should you think ovarian cancer?
- Complex cystic mass (thick septations, enhancing mural nodule, etc.)
- Solid adnexal masses with variable necrosis
- Ancillary findings (ascites, lymphadenopathy, metastatic disease)
Next step: ovarian cyst with many thin septations
Surgery consult
Next step: ovarian cyst with enhancing mural nodule on CT
Surgery consult
Next step: ovarian cyst with non-enhancing mural nodule on CT
MRI (to see if the mural nodule is a dermoid plug)
Note: If not a dermoid plug, then get a surgery consult.
What are the most common types of ovarian cancer?
- Serous cystadenoma (most common)
- Endometroid (2nd)
- Mucinous cystadenoma (3rd)
Think serous ovarian cystadenoma
Note: Large, unilocular cystic lesion with few septations centered in the adnexal region.
What percentage of serous ovarian tumors are benign?
Note: 15% are considered borderline, and the rest are malignant serous cystadenocarcinoma.
Ovarian cystadenoma with ascites…
Think cystadenocarcinoma with metastatic disease (70% have peritoneal involvement at the time of diagnosis)
Think mucinous cystadenoma
Note: Large adnexal multilocular cystic lesion.
Imaging features that favor serous over mucinous cystadenoma
- Unilocular with fewer septations
- Papillary projections (nodule with blood flow)
Note: Mucinous cyst adenomas are usually multilocular and don’t have papillary projections as frequently.
What percentage of endometroid ovarian cancer are bilateral?
What percentage of pts with endometroid ovarian cancer also have endometrial cancer at the time of diagnosis?
Note: In these cases the endometrial cancer is the primary and the ovarian tumor is actually a met.
Ovarian mass and endometrial thickening…
- Endometrial cancer with mets to the ovary
- Granulosa-theca cell cancer (with endometrial hyperplasia secondary to estrogen production)
Differential for a “big fucking mass” in the abdomen of an adult
- Ovarian masses (mucinous, serous, etc.)
- Desmoids (think Gardner syndrome)
- Sarcomas
Imaging features of an ovarian fibroma
Similar to a uterine fibroid:
- Hypoechoic solid mass on US
- T1 and T2 dark on MRI
- T2 dark rim on MRI
Do fibromas commonly have calcifications?
No, calcifications are rare in fibromas/fibrothecomas
Ascites, pleural effusion, and benign ovarian tumor (usually a fibroma)…
Meigs syndrome
Think ovarian fibromatosis
Note: This is the “black garland” sign.
Ovarian fibromatosis
A rare condition where there is benign tumor-like enlargement of the ovaries due to fibrosis. It is also associated with mental fibrosis and sclerosing peritonitis.
Note: This usually presents around age 25.
Brenner tumor
A fibrous epithelial tumor of the ovary seen in women in their 50s-70s
Note: This will be T2 dark like fibromas, but often have calcifications (80%) that fibromas rarely have.
Ovarian mass that it T2 dark and contains calcifications…
Think Brenner tumor
Struma ovarii
A subtype of ovarian teratoma that contains thyroid tissue and classically appears as a multilocular cystic and solid mass with an intensely enhancing solid component
Ovarian mass in a pt with new hyperthyroidism or thyroid storm…
Thin struma ovarii (ovarian teratoma containing thyroid tissue)
What are the most common primary cancers in the setting of ovarian mets?
- Colon
- Gastric
- Breast
- Lung
- Contralateral ovary
Krukenburg tumor
Metastatic ovarian tumors from a GI primary (usually gastric)