Reproductive: Maternal Disorders Flashcards
When can you call cervical length short (i.e. cervical incompetence)?
When the endocervical canal is < 2.5 cm
Fetal hydronephrosis is seen in _____ percent of pregnancies
Note: This is probably due to mechanical compression of the ureters (right is more often affected than the left).
When are fibroids most likely to grow during pregnancy?
Early in pregnancy (due to elevated estrogen)
Note: Elevated progesterone later in pregnancy actually inhibits fibroid growth.
Why are fibroids more prone to infarction/cystic degeneration during pregnancy?
Stretching of the uterus likely affects arterial blood supply
When is a uterine rupture most likely to occur?
During the 3rd trimester (at the site of a prior c section scar)
Risk factors for uterine rupture
- Prior c section
- Unicornuate uterus
- Prior uterine curettage
- “trapped uterus” (persistent retroflexion due to adhesion)
- Interstitial implantation
HELLP Syndrome
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets (the most severe form of pre-eclampsia)
Note: 20-40% of these pts get DIC.
Young female pt with third trimester pregnancy
Think HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets)
Note: Subcapsular hepatic hematoma in a pregnant pt.
1 month s/p cesarean section
Peripartum cardiomyopathy
Note: Cardiac MRI usually demonstrates global depressed function and non-vascular territory subepicardial late enhancement (corresponding to cellular lymphocytic infiltrate).
Sheehan syndrome
Pituitary apoplexy seen in postpartum females who suffered large volume hemorrhage, causing acute hypotension.
Postpartum female
Sheehan syndrome (pituitary apoplexy)
Note: This is acute, the chronic findings would be ring enhancement around an empty sella.
History of pregnancy complicated by placenta percreta
Chronic Sheehan syndrome (pituitary apoplexy)
Postpartum fever
Bilateral ovarian vein thrombophlebitis
Which side is more commonly involved in postpartum ovarian vein thrombophlebitis?
The right side (5x)
Measurement 7 mm s/p dilation and curettage 1 day prior
Think retained products of conception
Note: Endometrial thickness should be 5 mm or less after dilation and curettage.
Persistant bleeding s/p delivery of a twin gestation
Retained products of conception
Note: Irregular thickening of the endometrium. The endometrium should be 10 mm or less after delivery.
Risk factors for retained products of conception
- Medical termination of pregnancy (abortion)
- 2nd trimester miscarriage
- Placenta accreta/percreta
Fever s/p recent c section for prolonged delivery
Think endometritis