Reproductive Anatomy Flashcards
What is the reproductive anatomy derived from?
What do the seminal vesicle, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, and ductus deferens arise from?
Mesonephric (Wolffian duct)
Where do the primitive ovary or testis develop from?
Mesoderm on top of the kidney
Where does the uterus and upper 1/3 of the vagina develop from?
Paramesonephric (Mullerian duct)
Where are spermatozoa produced from?
Seminiferous tubules of the testis
What is testosterone secreted by?
Leydig cells under the influence of LH
Testosterone acts directly on what cells?
Sertoli cells
The scrotum is approximately how much cooler than the rest of the body?
1 degree C
What thick fibrous capsule encloses the testis?
Tunica Albuginea
The tunica albuginea divide the testis into how many lobules?
How many seminiferous tubules does each lobule of the testis contain?
1-4 seminiferous tubules
What do the seminiferous tubules empty into?
The straight tubules
What do the straight tubules empty into?
Rete testis
What do rete testis empty into?
The epididymis
What 7 layers cover the testis
Skin, dartos muscle (within colles fascia), external spermatic fascia, cremasteric muscle, internal spermatic fascia, parietal layer of tunica vaginalis (from the peritoneum), visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis
Where do sperm mature?
The epididymis
What does the epididymis continue as?
Ductus deferens
The ductus deferens is joined by what?
The seminal duct
What is the joint ductus deferens and seminal duct called?
Ejaculatory duct
Where does the ejaculatory duct open?
Prostatic urethra
What are the 3 coverings of the spermatic cord?
External spermatic fascia
Cremasteric fascia
Internal spermatic fascia
What 3 arteries are in the spermatic cord?
Testicular, artery to the ductus deferens, and cremasteric artery
What 3 nerves are in the spermatic cord?
Testicular, genital branch of genitofemoral, and ilioinguinal nerve
What 3 structures also are contained in the spermaitc cord?
Ductus deferens, pampiniform plexus, testicular lymphatics
What lies dorsally on both sides of the penis and is full of blood?
Corpora cavernosa
What lies inferior on the penis?
Corpus spongiosum
What are the corpora of the penis enclosed in?
Buck’s fascia
What is contained within the corpus spongiosum?
The penile urethra
What is the expanded distal end of the copus spongiosum
Glans penis
What supplies blood to the penis?
The internal pudendal artery by deep penile and dorsal penile branches
What innervates the penis?
Pudendal nerve and pelvic splanchnic nerves S2-4
What is the hair bearing fat pad covering the symphysis pubis in females?
Mons pubis
What are the two longitudinal folds of skins that extend posteriorly from the mons pubis?
Labia majora
What two smaller folds lie between the labia majora?
Labia minora
The lateral portion of the labia minora fuses above the clitoris to form what?
The prepuce
The medial portion of the labia minora fuses below the clitoris to form what?
The frenulum
What kind of the tissue is the clitoris made of?
Erectile tissue
What are the parts of the clitoris?
Two crura and a glans
What is the space between the labia minora with the urethral and vaginal orifices?
What does the vagina develop from?
Urogenital sinus
Where does the vagina extend from?
Vestibule to cervix
The lower portion of the cervix that protrudes into the upper upper part of the vagina forms what?
Anterior, posterior, and lateral fornices
What are the anatomical parts of the uterus?
Fundus, body, and cervix
What is the normal orientation of the cervix?
Anteverted (angled toward the vagina) and Anteflexed (body bent forwards to the cervix)
How is the uterus attached to the ovary?
Ligament of the ovary
How is the uterus attached to the labia majora?
Round ligament
What other ligament is attached to the uterus?
Broad ligament
What supplies blood to the uterus?
Named branches of the of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery
Where is the ovary?
In the ovarian fossa
What vessels do the ovaries lie between?
The external and internal illiac arteries
What structures attach to the ovary?
Posterior aspect of the broad ligament (by mesovarium), Suspensory ligament to the pelvic wall, Ligament of the ovary to the uterus
What supplies blood to the ovary?
Ovarian artery a branch of the abdominal aorta at L2
What drains blood from the right ovary?
What drains blood from the left ovary?
Left renal vein
What is the broad ligament made of?
A double layer of peritoneum
What does the broad ligament cover?
Mesometrium and uterine tubes
What two ligaments are contained in the broad ligament?
Ligament of the ovary
Round ligament
What is the round ligament a female equivalent of?
Gubernaculums testes in males
What is the part of the broad ligament that contains the uterine tube?
How is the male pelvis different from the female pelvis?
Heavier, Smaller heart-shaped inlet, Narrower subpubic angle, Ischial spines are inverted, sacrum is more curved