Reproduction (U.W) Flashcards
difficulty making bowel movements but “splinting” vaginal canal helps. notable pelvic pressure.
what the differential
posterior subserosal leiomyomas (fibroids) - accompanied by uterine enlargement! (also irregular/heavy periods if submucosal)
posterior vaginal wall prolapse- usually older and obese women. should not be uterine enlargement
Mullerian anomalies (like Mullerian agenesis, or improper fusion) is often comorbid with?
unilateral renal agenesis
whats the path of testicular descent
abdomen– deep inguinal ring (TF) through the inguinal canal– out the superficial inguinal ring (EAO)
gonadal arteries branch off of?
abdominal aorta- right below renal As
how to facilitate pregnancy in Turner’s patient?
ovarian failure, so need to do IVF w/ donor egg. Supplying estrogen/progesterone hormones should be sufficiency to maintain pregnancy
How to detect Down’s Syndrome in pregnancy
- decreased AFP, decreased unconjugated estriol
-increased bHCG, increased inhibin A
do karyotype of amniocentesis
Turner’s cause?
meiotic nondisjunction
indirect vs direct inguinal hernia
indirect– hernia through patent processus vaginalis into testis
direct- through Hasslebach’s triage, into abdomen.. MEDIAL to inf epigastric vessels
complete mole
- empty egg w/ 1 sperm (replicates to 2) or 2 sperm.. 46XX (or 46 xy if 2 sperm)
no fetal tissue
uterine a’s off of
internal iliac
describe whats seen on a male’s CT
ant –> post
bladder– prostate— anal canal
landmarks for a pudendal n block
ischial spine and sacrospinous ligament
how is cancer spread to vertebrae in a man
prostate cancer goes through prostatic VENOUS plexus to vertebrae (note its not lymphatic)
midline episiotomy
posterior vaginal opening to perineal body
heavy, painful menstruation with uniformly enlarged uterus
cause: endometrium invades myometrium
maternal rubella infection causes
fetal deafness, cataracts, and heart probs like PDA,
maternal polyarthralgias
how do COC’s work?
they suppress GnRH in hypothalamus, which supresses FSH and LH, therefore ovulation suppressed
thin yellow green frothy discharge?
thick white cottage cheese discharge?
thin gray discharge?
- trichomonas
- candida
- gardernerella
what inhibits lactaction in pregnancy?
selective estrogen receptor modulator
decreases neg feedback inhibition on hypothalamus so that increase GnRH release and increase LH and FSH release– ovulation!
mifepristone- progestrone antag (causes uterine wall to shed)
Misopristol- Prostoglandin E1 analog – uterine contractions for expulsion
what is the cause of menstrual cycle abnormalities during first several years into menarche
anovulatory cycles due to immature HPG axis
- no ovulation means no progesterone made, just estrogen keeps building up the endometrium in a disorganized way causing spotting, heavy bleeding, and irregularities
describe Gardnerella Vaginalis
Gram variable, anaerobic rod
what happens during an amniotic fluid embolization
hypoxia, hypotensive shock, DIC
histo: fetal squamous cells in pulm vasculature
choriocarcinoma will show presence of ___ and ___ but no ___
synctiotrophoblasts and cytotrophoblasts seen
but no villi
PCOS increases risk of
endometrial hyperplasia/adenocarcinoma
MMR are what type of vax?
Live attenuated
Kartagener’s syndrome
situs invertus
chronic sinusitis
tamoxifen vs raloxifen
endometrial hyperplasia/cancer in tamoxifen
how do estrogen and progesterone affect gall stones?
estrogen- increase HMGCoA activity, which increases cholesterol
progesterone- decreases ball bladder motility
how to calculate day of ovulation
cycle length- 14 days
PCOS LH: FSH levels?
LH increased compared to FSH
what transilluminates in the testis? why?
patent tunica vaginalis causes fluid to enter
Meigs Syndrome includes
hydrothorax, ascites, and ovarian tumor (often a benign fibroma)
HER2 signalling?
kruckenberg tumors are mets frm
which Beta receptor on uterus?
direct vs indirect inguinal hernia
direct: tears through TF (medially to Inf Epigastric A)
indirect: passes through deep inguinal ring (lateral to inf epigastric A)
how to differentiate direct vs indirect inguinal hernia in a PE
- palpate superficial inguinal ring, ask patient to cough, feel hernia
- put pressure on deep inguinal ring, while feeling superficial inguinal ring. Ask patient to cough
(1) if you feel hernia still- its a DIRECT (aka not passing through deep ring)
(2) if hernia is reduced, its indirect. passing through the deep ring
when doing pudendal n block feel for?
ischial spine
what happens to cervical dysplasia after 2 yrs?
60% dont change
30% regress
10% become squamous cell carcinoma
Penile insitu carcinomas:
(1) gray-white plaque
(2) multiple reddish-brown papules
(3) soft red plaque
(1) Bowen’s disease
(2) Bowenoid papulosis
(3) Erythroplasia of Queyrat
possible precursors of SCC in penis
where can herpes simplex stay latent?
trigeminal ganglia
sacral ganglia
parvo virus affect on fetus
aplastic anemia leading to nonimmune hydrops fetalis