Reproduction Flashcards
Definition of reproduction
The production of new individuals
What are the 2 types of reproduction? Explain them.
⇒Asexual reproduction involves one parent, e.g. aphids, bacteria
⇒Sexual reproduction involves two parents, e.g. humans, lillies
What are the secondary sexual characteristics for a male human?
-Growth of facial hair, pubic hair and body hair
-Build up of sebum (oil) which causes acne
-Voice deepens
-Muscle mass increases
-Broad shoulders develop
What are the secondary sexual characteristics for a female human?
-Growth of body hair (legs, under armpits)
-Pubic hair develops
-Widening of hips
-Build up of sebum(oil) which causes acne
-Increase in body fat
-Breasts develop
-Menstruation begins
Name the parts of the human male reproductive system
-Sperm duct
Name the parts of the human female reproductive system
-Fallopian tubes
-Womb lining
What is the function of the testes?
Produces sperm and the hormone testosterone
What is the function of the scrotum?
Holds the testis
What is the function of the sperm duct?
Carries sperm from the testis to the penis
What is the function of the glands?
Produces fluid which feeds sperm and helps them to swim.
Fluid and sperm form semen
What is the function of the penis?
Delivers sperm inside the female reproductive system
What is the function of the urethra?
Allows the passage of urine and sperm
What is the function of the ovary?
Produces eggs and the hormone estrogen
What is the function of the fallopian tubes?
Carries eggs from the ovary to the womb.
What is the function of the womb?
Location of implantation.
The foetus grows here.
Wall of the womb forms placenta during pregnancy
What is the function of the cervix?
Sperm enters here
What is the function of the vagina?
Penis is placed here during sexual intercourse. Baby also exits here
What happens on day 1-5 during the menstrual cycle?
Menstruation occurs
(Breaking down of the uterus lining)
What happens on day 6-13 during the menstrual cycle?
Lining of the uterus builds back up, preparing for the arrival of an embryo
What happens on day 14 of the menstrual cycle?
Ovulation occurs
What happens on day 15-28 during the menstrual cycle?
The womb-lining thickens on day 28 and if the female is not pregnant, menstruation will begin again
What is fertilisation?
When the nucleus of the sperm and egg fuse to form a zygote
What is implantation?
When the fertilised egg attaches to the lining of the womb
What is a zygote?
A bundle of cells formed after fertilisation. It later turns into an embryo
What is contraception?
Contraception refers to methods used to prevent pregnancy
What are the 4 types of contraception?
What is natural contraception?
Avoiding sexual intercourse during fertile period
Explain mechanical contraception
It prevents sperm from reaching the egg. Condoms are an example of this and they also prevent sexually transmitted disease
Explain chemical contraception
Using hormonal pills or implants
Explain surgical contraception
⇒In males, the sperm duct can be cut which is called a vasectomy
⇒In females, the fallopian tubes can be cut which is called tubal ligation
What is infertility?
The inability to conceive children
What happens when males are infertile?
-Low mobility sperm
-Low sperm count
-Blockage of sperm duct
What are the causes of infertility in males?
-Low exercise levels
-High fat/salt diet
-Stress levels
How can you prevent infertility in males?
-Change lifestyle
-Hormone supplements
What happens when females are infertile?
The ovary does not release eggs
What are the causes of infertility in females
-Change in hormones
-Poor diet
-Low exercise levels
What does IVF stand for?
In-Vitro Fertilisation
What is IVF?
It is a method used to help with fertility when pregnancy cannot happen naturally
Briefly explain the process of IVF?
Eggs are removed from the ovary of the woman and mixed with the man’s sperm in a petri dish. If an embryo develops, it is placed back in the womb
Arguments for IVF
-People with fertility issues can have babies with their own DNA
-Embryos can be selected to avoid genetic diseases
-Eggs can be used for research or donated to other childless couples
-Embryos can be frozen and used later
Arguments against IVF
-Treatment can have negative side effects for the prospective mother
-If more than one embryo is implanted, multiple births may result. Complications may arise for the mother and the babies
-Treatment can be physically and emotionally stressful for the prospective parents
-Success rates are relatively low
What is the process of pregnancy?
- Sexual intercourse occurs
- Fertilisation (egg + sperm = zygote)
- Implantation
- Pregnancy (9 months/ 40 weeks)
- Child birth
What is pregnancy?
The time taken for the foetus to develop in the womb
What is the placenta?
It is a temporary organ that allows materials (e.g. oxygen) to pass between the mother and the foetus. The exchange occurs by diffusion
What are the functions of the placenta?
-Oxygen and nutrients pass from the mother to the foetus
-Carbon dioxide and waste pass from the foetus to the mother
What are the 3 stages of birth?
⇒Delivery of the baby
⇒Delivery of the placenta
Explain labour
-The muscles in the walls of the uterus begin to contract, causing the cervix to widen
-The amniotic sac bursts and fluid passes through the cervix and vaginal canal
What happens during the delivery of the baby?
-The baby passes head first from the uterus through the cervix and out of the vagina
-The umbilical chord is clamped and cut
What happens during the delivery of the placenta?
The placenta detaches from the uterus and passes out of the body as the after birth.
What is lactation?
The production of breast milk
What is colostrum?
-It is produced during the first three days after birth
-It is the yellowish, nutritious liquid which is rich in antibodies, proteins and minerals that protect the infant from infection