Regional structures of lower extremity Flashcards
Femoral Sheath: lateral border
Iliopsoas + femoral n.
Femoral Sheath: medial border
Femoral Sheath: superior border
Inguinal canal
Femoral Sheath: Contents
Femoral a. and v.
Femoral Triangle: Lateral border
Femoral Triangle: Medial border
Adductor longus
Femoral Triangle: Superior border (base)
Inguinal lig.
Femoral Triangle: Roof
Fascia lata + Cribiform fascia
Femoral Triangle: Floor
Iliopsoas + Pectineus + Adductor Longus
Femoral Triangle: Contents
Femoral a. + v. + n. + deep femoral a.
What’s another name for Adductor Canal?
Subsartorial Canal
Adductor (Subsartorial) Canal: Lateral border
Vastus medialis
Adductor Canal: Medial border
Adductor Magnus + adductor longus
Adductor Canal: Superficial border
Sartorius + Subsartorial fascia
Adductor Canal: Contents
Femoral a. + v. + saphenous n.