Intro Directional Terms (lecture 1) Flashcards
definition: Gross Anatomy
That which can be seen with the naked eye
definition: Histology
(microscopic anatomy)
The study of microscopic tissue structures
definition: Embryology
(developmental anatomy)
The science which deals w the origin and development of an individual organism
definition/use: Surface Anatomy
Used in clinical/rehabilitation setting, enables the individual to recognize deep anatomical structures from a superficial setting
definition: Anatomy
Study of structures of the body and their relationships
definition: Physiology
Study of function of the body (at cellular level)
definition: Kinesiology
(applied anatomy or biomechanics)
Study of muscles and body in motion
2 different approaches to Gross Anatomy
Systemic and Regional (relationships between regions/systems is important)
definition: Appendicular Skeleton
upper and lower extremities (limbs), pelvis
definition: Axial Skeleton
head, thorax, vertebral column
Levels of Organization
- Chemical (atoms/molecules)
- Cellular (macromolecules)
- Tissue (Group of similar cells working together)
- Organ (heart, lungs, etc.)
- System (cardiovascular system, skeletal system, etc.)
- Organism (body as a whole)
What needs to be maintained throughout the levels of organization?
Name the Body Systems
- Skeletal
- Muscular
- Circulatory (Cardiovascular + Lymphatic)
- Endocrine
- Digestive
- Respiratory
- Urinary
- Reproductive (Urogenital)
- Nervous (central + peripheral)
- Integumentary
Name the Body Cavities
Dorsal Cavity:
1. Cranial (Brain and meninges)
2. Vertebral (Spinal cord, Spinal roots)
Ventral Cavity:
3. Thoracic
4. Abdominal
5. Pelvic
What is the Viscera and which body cavities is it located in?
It is all the soft organs of the body.
Contained in Ventral Cavity: Thoracic, Abdominal, and Pelvic.
What is the Anatomical Position? Why is it important?
Standing upright, looking fwd, feet approx shoulder width apart, palms facing fwd
Important: directional terms are in relation to the anatomical position
Name and describe the planes of the body
- Median Plane (Mid-sagittal):
Divides the body into right/left halves
Sagittal and Parasagittal are parallel to the mid-sagittal (not equally divided) - Frontal Plane (Coronal):
Divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions - Transverse Plane (Horizontal):
Divides body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) parts - Oblique Plane:
Divides the cross section at an angle (not a common view)
def: Cranial (relative postion)
Nearest/towards the head
def: Caudal (relative position)
away from the head (towards tail end)
def: Medial (relative position)
towards mid-sagittal plane
def: Lateral (relative position)
away from mid-sagittal plane
def: Superficial (relative position)
position relative to body surface (towards the surface)
def: Deep (relative position)
position relative to body surface (away from surface)
def: Intermediate (relative position)
btwn 2 structures
def: External (relative position)
in relevance to the body wall, cavities, or hollow organs
def: Internal (relative position)
in relevance to the body wall, cavities, or hollow organs
def: Flexion (movements + ROM)
Where angle of joint decreases
def: Extension (movements + ROM)
where angle at joint increases, and return to anatomical position
def: Hyperextension (movements + ROM)
where extension continues beyond anatomical position
def: Lateral Flexion (movements + ROM)
Lateral bending or side bending
def: Abduction (movements + ROM)
Movement away from midline of body
def: Adduction (movements + ROM)
Movement towards midline of body
def: Rotation (movements + ROM)
Mvmt around the longitudinal axis of a bone
def: Circumduction (movements + ROM)
Using a common fulcrum (apex) for all mvmt as in circumscribing a cone
def: Medial Rotation (movements + ROM)
The anterior aspect of the extremity turned inward along its longitudinal axis
def: Lateral Rotation (movements + ROM)
The anterior aspect of the extremity turned outward along its longitudinal axis
def: Upward Rotation (movements + ROM)
referring to scapula when the inferior angle moves laterally and up
def: Downward Rotation (movements + ROM)
referring to scapula when the inferior angle moves medially and down
def: Depression (movements + ROM)
Lowering a body part
def: Elevation (movements + ROM)
Raising a body part
def: Horizontal Abduction (extension) (movements + ROM)
moving from midline of body on the horizontal plane
def: Horizontal Adduction (flexion) (movements + ROM)
moving towards midline of body on the horizontal plane
def: Retraction (movements + ROM)
The movement of a part backward
def: Protraction (movements + ROM)
The mvmt of a part fwd
def: Inversion (movements + ROM)
Rotation of sole of foot inward
def: Eversion (movements + ROM)
Rotation of sole of foot outward
def: Dorsiflexion (movements + ROM)
Flexing of ankle to raise the toes upwards
def: Plantarflexion (movements + ROM)
Flexing of ankle to point the toes
def: Pronation (movements + ROM)
Medial rotation of forearm on longitudinal axis
def: Supination (movements +ROM)
Lateral rotation of forearm on longitudinal axis
def: Pronation of foot (movements + ROM)
ankle eversion, dorsi-flexion, and forefoot abduction
def: Supination of foot (movements + ROM)
ankle inversion, plantar-flexion, and forefoot adduction
def: Prone (movements + ROM)
lying horizontal in a face-down position
def: Supine (movements + ROM)
lying horizontal on the back facing up