redox a b Flashcards
described a reaction in which oxygen was removed.
ln this reaction copper oxide has been reduced and hydrogen is the reducing agent.
When something is oxidised it loses
when something is reduced it gains electrons.
redox reactions
Since redox reactions always involve the movement of electrons they are also called electron transfer reactions.
reducing agents
give away electrons - they are electron donors
agents accept electrons.
Oxidation states
are used to see what has been oxidised and what
has been reduced in a redox reaction.
Oxidation states are also called oxidation numbers.
oxidation numbers.
are used to see what has been oxidised and what
has been reduced in a redox reaction.
the oxidation state/numbers and electrons
tells us about the distribution of electrons between elements of different electronegativity. The more electronegative element is given the negative oxidation state.
Every element in there og state
Every element in its uncombined state has an oxidation state of zero.
hydrogen, H
group 1
group 2
if peroxides it is -1
if in OF2 it will be +2
sum of all the oxidation states
The sum of all the oxidation states in a compound =0, since all
compounds are electrically neutral.
ion has -2 charge
the charge of oygen = -2
suldur charge +6
balancing half equations
balance atoms apart from h and o
add h20 to balance 0
balance h to balance h
balance e at the end