reconstruction 15 Flashcards
sound change eventually become fixed and become permanent feature of language phonological system
What is assimilation
nearby segment become similar
weakening of consonants next to sonorant
consonant mutation under influence of i
removal of segment
insertion of segment
Rhotacism is spart of
what is rhotacism
s becomes r between vowels (genesis = generis)
Sound change type: Dissimilation
When nearby segment become less similar
what is more common assimilation or dissimilation
Why is dissimilation used
Making things easier for the listener. when you need perceptual contrast. Its easier to tell nearby dissimilar segments apart
What is metathesis
segment changing places to avoid undesirable combinations of segments.
example of metathesis
old english; thrid - third (avoid liquid in coda)
when did the Great english vowel shift occur
between middle and modern english
What is chain shift
series of changes where the input of one change is the output for another. (one change leaves a gap, it is then filled by other)