[Recalls] Physio Ch 44 45 Flashcards
Initiates digestion of lipids except:
Present in core droplets except:
Differentials small and large intestine:
Greatest secretion in the body:
gastric secretion (2 L/day)
Solely secreted by colon:
Intestinal fluid movement is always coupled to solute movement, and sometimes solute movement is:
coupled to fluid movement by solvent drag
Absorption of jejunum is greater in ileum due to:
lower transepithelial voltage, larger pore size of tight jxn (leakiness)
False in enac:
inhibited by millimolar amiloride
Defective Cl channels (CFTR), electrolytes lost in stool:
AOTA (k, na, hco3, h20)
Oligopeptides preliminary digestion:
cystosolic enzymes
Celiac sprue
fat malabsorption
True about GLUT2 except:
not similar with rbc, fibroblast and adipocytes
Lactase deficiency:
normal rise after glucose ingestion, increase H2 in breath
glucose and galactose
Release of single amino acids
carboxypeptidase A
Kinetic advantage: accelerated peptide absorption
True in hartnup and cystinuria except:
- associated w/ small intestine and renal tubule abnormalities
- hartnup: neutral aa
- cystinuria: cationic aa
- absorption of oligopeptides with neutral or cationic aa is normal in both dse
Predominating dietary lipids:
Lipid digestion is completed in:
proximal small intestine
First barrier crossed by lipolytic product:
mucus gel layer
Celiac disease cx
- ingestion of gluten
- autoimmmune
- absence of villous surface epithelial cells leading to decreased nutrient absorption
1-25, dehydroxy vit D most important effect:
enchances 2nd step (increase calbindin synthesis)
Nonheme iron enters apical thru:
DMT1 ( divalent metal cotransporter)
Minerals and vitamins:
not energy sources
core of droplet
except cholesterol bol
false of ENaC:
inhibited by millimolar amiloride
metabolic acidosis, secretion of bicarbonate in both small and large intestine
alpha 1-4 and more alpha 1-6 makes it more highly branched polysacch:
increase secretion something:
bicarbonate-induced sodium absorption in the
proximal small intestine
absorption of dipeptides and tripeptides smth2x mediated by
hydrogen cotransporter
lipid digestion completed in the -
proximal small intestine
Not true about lipid mechanical digestion
decrease surface area to volume ratio
Gastric secretion-
largest amount na add on sa git fluid
Thomas Edison
Not true about ENaC
blocked by millimolar amiloride (micromolar)
Secretory diarrhea, increased chloride secretion followed by:
Sodium, Bicarbonate, Water, K
Na absorption after a meal
Na/Glucose, Na/Amino acid cotransport