Recalls 8 Flashcards
What is the enzyme which Changes testosterone to estrogen?
Which changes progesterone (from mineralocorticoid pathway) to glucocorticoid pathway?
What changes the things from glucocorticoid pathway to sex hormone pathway?
What does the verticla changes?
17a hydroxylase
17 Lyase
treatment of chlamydia in pregnancy
1g single dose azithromycin
Cut off for referal to gyn-onc?
> 200 RMI
MOA of:
Dalteparin - Factor Xa inhibitor
Enoxaparin - Factor Xa inhibitor via activating antithrombin
Warfarin - Vit K antagonist
Dabigatran - antithrombin
Apixaban/Rivaroxaban - Factor Xa inhibitor
What is lenoleic acid?
Essential fatty acid that is not produced in the body. NEed to consume in diet
What type of hypogonadism does chemotherapy tend to cause
Hypothalamic hypogonadism.
Tends to affect hypothalamus/pituitary and stop GNRH proudction
What is G-banding
A technique to identify chromosomes
What is Potter Syndrome?
What are the characteristics?
Abnormal kidney development. If complete renal agenesis then not compatible with life
- Low set ears
- Flat node
- Flat chin
Where is the primary immunoglobulin prodution
Plasma cells which are a type of B lymphocytes
What cell is the main cell involved in combatting TB
When is the:
Morula 4
Blastocyst 6 (inner cell mass formed at this stage)
Implantation 8
Why is GNRH secreted in a pulsatile fashion
BEcause of the hypothalamus’s innate ability to do it pulsatile. This is from the arcuate nucleus. Specialised neurones regulate this.
Oestrogen feedback enhances this affect but does not CAUSE it
What are the functions of the following hormones during pregnancy:
Inhibin A
Where are they secrete by?
All initially secreted by the CL in response to HCG from placenta. Then placenta takes this over.
Progesterone = inhibits contractions. Also inhibits lots of things throughout pregnancy and has effects on lungs/heart/GIT
Oestrogen = promotes vascularity and endometrial growth
Inhibin A = inhibits FSH secretion from the AP. To allow for the correct horonal balance. Production starts around 7 weeks but is much hgiher later in pregnancy
Is arachidonic acid a saturated or unsaturated fatty acid
Incidence of facial nerve palsy in forceps
Approx 1:100
Most common!
Where is prolactin produced in pregnancy
Decidua basalis in early pregnancy
When do twins split?
Di-Di <4
Diamniotic Monochorionic - 4-8
Mono-mono - 8-12
How much T3 qnd T4
T4 is innnactive
Gets turned into T3 in the tissues
14:1 T4:T3
What level does the ureter cross the internal iliac arteries
At the birfurcation of common –> int and ext
what level does the aorta pass through the aperture
What about the IVC
What about the oesophagus
Aorta - T12. The lowest and the most posterior of the apertures
IVC - T8
Oesophagus - T10
What is the histology of the lower uterine segment
Columnar. Thinner endothelium than the UUS
Where is GNRH secreted other than the brain
Explain what type on incontinence this is
There is a leak with the cough so it is stress
But there is also a leak in the middle which is detrusor overactivity. Notmal urination at the end has a bell shaoed curve
What does chamydia cause in the eyes
Ophthalmia Neonatorum
If a pregnant women develops goitre, which nerve can be damaged
The recurrent laryngeal nerve from he vagus nerve
The route on the left is looped under the ductus arteriosus
The route on the right is under the subclavian
Which vessel in the brain can bleed in eclampsia
Which bit of the HIV virus cannot enter the host cell
Which gynaecological cancer is most associated with MMR
Endometrial cancer - endometriod cancer
For ovarian it is alo endometroid then clear cell
What is Crispr
An exyme that detects DNA
Look at some pedigrees
What is the most common cause of dermatitis in pregnancy
Pregnancy specific - PUPPS
not pregnancy specific - atopic dermatiis
What does pellagra cause
What deficiency is it caused by
Dermatitis, dementia, diarrhoea, death
Niacin, vit B6
Inheritance pattern of achondroplasia
Most common side effect of depo-provera
Irregular bleeding
Which is the most common HPV to cause high grade cervical changes
16 is more common than 18
MOA of aspirin
Irreveribly inhibits COX1
Reduces prostaglandins