How many pregnancies get shoulder dystocia
How many get erb’s palsy?
How many have lasting neurological damage?
How does the COCP work? Describe the effects on LH/FSH/SHBG/ovarian and adrenal androgens
suppresses LH AND FSH
Suppresses ovarian androgen secretion because LH is low
INCREASES SHBG release from liver which reduces circulating androgens
Suppresses adrenal androgens
Prevents conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone which therefore cannot bind to androgen receptors
Which are the paraneoplastic bits of SCLC
Which are the paraneoplastic bits of squamous cell lung cancer
Paraneoplastic - polycythemia - which cancer?
renal (EPO)
hepatocellular (alcoholics)
Which is better for images in hysteroscopy - saline or CO2
What type of hysteroscope is used for outpatients?
2.7mm minihysteroscope
Analgesia for hysteroscopy?
NSAIDs 1 hour before.
NO OPIATES routinely
Which drug classes cause raised prolactin?
H2 antagonists
ASHOO - if you sneeze you will get a raised prolactin
How does mifepristone work?
It is an anti-progestogen. It competes for progesterone receptors
What are the risk factors for bladder cancer?
family history
Treatment of chlamydia in pregnancy
erythromycin QDS 500mg 7/7
OR BD 500mg 14/7
amoxicillin 500mg TDS
Obstetric cholestasis:
How common in UK?
How common is itch?
Can cause?
LFTs - repeat weekly and 10 days postnatally
Tx - anti-itch
Delivery baby
If Bile acids 19-40 - mild IOL 40 weeks
40-100 - moderate IOL 38 weeks
>100 - severe - ONLY THIS ONE HAS RISK OF STILLBIRTH - IOL 35 weeks
meconium, early delivery, neonatal distress, PPH
key to how methotrexate works
look for word folate!
What is this?
How many pregnancies get the this?
What is it due to?
What else can it cause?
3/4 pregnancies
melanocyte stimulating hormone from the placenta
melasma - darkening patches on the face
Stages of syphilis
Suture technique for OASIS repair of: anal mucosa, EAS, IAS
AM - PG3
EAS - end-to-end (ALL THE E’s) PDS or PG2
IAS - interrupted (ALL THE I’s) or mattress - inside your house PDS or PG2
What is PIGF and how is it interpreted
Placental growth factor.
If it is low in high risk pregnancies it indicates that preterm birth is imminent and there is a higher risk of pre-eclampsia and still birth
Management of hypertnesion in pregnancy.
Who is admitted?
What is moderate and what is severe and how are each managed?
What is the target BP?
What needs to be monitored?
Management of pre-eclampsia in pregnancy.
Who is admitted?
Who gets treated?
What is moderate and what is severe and how are each managed?
What is the target BP?
What needs to be monitored?
First column is moderate - BP <149/<109
Second column is severe >160/>110
What would prompt admission in pre-eclampsia
Renal - creatinine rise of >90
oedema - signs of pulmonary oedema
Liver - rise in ALT of >70 or twice upper limit
E - eclampsia - signs of this impending
Sustained BP >160
Fetal compromise
Platelets - fall <150
ROLES of Fetal Protection
Choice of antihypertensive for pregnant women
1st - labetalol
2nd - nifedipine
3rd - methyldopa
How do define pre-eclampsia
Hypertension - systolic>140 OR >90 diastolic
Renal - creatinine >90
Urine - protein:creatinine >30 mg/mmol or albumin:creatinine >8mg/mmol or 2+ protein in urine
B - blood. platelets <150, haemolysis
L - ALT >40
N - neuro - eclampsia, blindness, stroke
BURN - Like pre-eclampsia
What are 3 types of emergency contraception?
What is the drug content?
When can it be used?
Which is the most effective?
- progesterone
- can be used up to 72h after intercourse
- give dose again if they vomit within 2 hours
- prevents ovulation/fertilisation
Ulipristal (ellaOne)
- progesterone receptor modulator
- up to 5 days
- give again if vomit in 3 hours
- works by inhibiting ovulation
IUD - copper coil
- most effective
- - can be given up to 120 hours after SI
Most common type of fibroid degeneration in prenant/non-prenant women?
PREGNANT = RED (pregnant women see red)
NON-PREGNANT = hyaline
What to do if a women who is hypertensive has +1 protein in urine on a stick
Organise protein:creatinine ratio OR albumin:creatining ratio
What are the risks of complications in hysteroscopy: diagnostic vs therapeutic?
Risk of uterine perforation?
Risk of uterine perforation:
Diagnostic - 0.1%
Therapeutic - 0.8%
overall risk of serious complication for diagnostic = 0.2%
What is the key process causing cervical ripening
degredation of type 1 collagen
Describe the cervical Ca screening programme
Describe the pathway for the results following screening
25-49 = every 3 years
49-65 = every 5 years
When are women treated for CIN called back?
6 months
Are secondary sexual characteristics present in:
androgen resistance
Turner’s = NO
Which vitamin deficiency leads to wernicke’s encephalopathy
When is amniocentesis performed?
When is CVS performed?
What is it and what is CVS?
Amnio - No earlier than 15 weeks
Chorio - 11-13+6 weeks
COCP with lamotrigine?
Is this ok?
COCP - specifically the oestrogen - can reduce lamotrigine levels and increase seizure risk
lamotrigine is NOT an enzyme inducer
Most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age?
Incidence of OASIS in primip/multip/overall?
PRIM = 6.1%
MULTI = 1.7%
OVERALL = 2.9%
What percentage of cervical cancers are due to HPV?
Almost 100%!
70% due to HPV 16/18
Most common age group for chlamydia?
What is the most common cause of sepsis in the pueperum?
What is the management?
What is the mortality rate of severe sepsis, septic shock?
Tazocin within 1 hour + sepsis 6
20-40%, 60%
Are unilateral ureter injuries noticed more intra-op or post-op ?
post-op = 70%
Describe the 3 groups of ovulation disorders
What are the management options for each?
What is the difference in vascular/bowel injury risk for hassan (open) vs varess (closed) techniques for insertion of the first trochar?
No real difference
Risk factors for acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
Mortality rate?
Who gets it? Those who MOP up the Munchies
Multiple pregnancy
Male fetus
Fetal/maternal mortality 20%
prevalence = 1/10,000
How common is ecoptic pregnancy?
Where are most of the pregnancies?
1/100 roughly
mortality 2/1000
Tubal = 93-95%
Next most common is interstitial
= 70% ampulla
then isthmus, then fimbrial, then corneal
Thrush in pregnancy.
Most common organism?
How many pregnancy women vs non-pregnant women are colonised with this?
Candida albicans (90%)
20% non-preg, 40% preg
Topical imidazole used in pregnancy
At what gestation does the amniotic fluid peak volume level?
35 weeks
Describe the RMI
What is the value which determines referral to the MDT as likely malignancy?
Scoring system for ovarian masses. Looks at 3 things:
- USS appearance
- Menopausal status
- Ca125 value
USS appearance looks at 5 things:
1. ascites
2. multilocular cyst
3. intrabdominal metastases
4. Solid areas
5. Bilateral lesions
As per RCOG - RMI of >200 highly sus of ovarian ca