Recalls 7 Flashcards
What does the vitelline duct connect
The midgut to the yolk sac
Where does the liver and biliary system arise from?
What does the ventral mesentary become?
What does the dorsal mesentary become?
Waht does the hepatic diverticulum become?
What is the allantois?
The endoderm
The ventral mesentary - becomes the lesser omentum. The liver develops WITHIN this.
The dorsal mesentary - becomes the greater omentum. The pancreas and spleen develop WITHIN this.
The hepatic diverticulum from the foregut - liver and biliary system
The allantois - drains urine. Becomes the urachus. It is a combo of mesoderm and endoderm
What is the choroid plexus?
what is is made from
It produces CSF.
It is made from the pia mater and ependyma?
Describe the emrbyoligcal development of the liver and the bile duct
Originates from the distal foregut
Forms the hepatic bud/hepatic divierticulum.
The hepatic bud divides into two portions:
- Pars hepatica (develops into the liver)
- Pars cystica (develops into the gallbladder)
This invainates in to the septum trsnsversum and forms left and right branches of the liver. The septum transversum is from the lateral plate mesoderm.
The stalk connecting the foregut to the hepatic bud forms the common bile duct.
The ligaments of the liver are therefore from the septum transversum from the lateral plate mesoderm.
Describe the emrbyological origin of the bladder
The hindgut of the endoderm forms the end portion - the cloaca.
The cloaca separates into the Urogenital sinus and the rectum.
The urogenital sinus becomes the bladder and also the bottom 2/3 of the vagina.
The ureteric bud forms from the metanephros which is from the lateral plate mesoderm. The ureteric bud becomes the kidney. This is connected with the ureteric stalk which becomes the ureter.
The urogenital sinus is connected to outside the fetus via the allantois. This gets rid of waste products. Urine is produced as early as 12 weeks. The allatoin is therefore made of endoderm.
What other cancer can BRCA cause
What would you see on FBC of addisons
where do the enzymes for glycolysis come from
Depends on how question is worded but I think cytosol rather than mitochrondria
What type of organism is chalydia
Obligate intracellular organism
How many women with GDM will have T2DM immediately after
5% or less but ultimately lifetime risk is 50%
What is the treatment of listeria
Ampicillin. Better than amoxicillin.
Either cna be used.
What is the trsnamission rate of primary and secondary herpes with pregnancy at birth
40% with primary
1% withsecondary
How many TRH molecules from precursor
Blood supply to bartholins glands
External pudendal artery which is a branch of the femoral
What post void volume is generally considered as acceptablr in a 65 year old
100ml or less.
100ml would be ABNORMAL in younger patients. less than 50 is normal
What si teh mechanism of action of nevirapine
Non-nucleoside reverse tanscriptase inhibitor
How many cells in the anterior pituitary are lactotrophs?
How many are somatotrophs?
20% are lactotrophs –> prolactin
50% are somatotrophs –> GH
When does HPL plateau
34 weeks
What events happen antenatally and postnatally to allow for good breast feeding
Antenatal - stromal hyperplasia
Postnatal - ductal dilatation
How much does cardiac output increase in second stage labour
Where is factor 8 produced
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
Timing of acute vs subacute inflammation?
7 days
7 days to 4 weeks
what is lifetime risk of T2DM following GDM
Contrast the rashes of pregnancy
Pemphigoid of pregnancy
- 1st or second gestation
- Belly button and palms and soles
- Blisters
- around 35 weeks
- abdominal
- No blisters