Recalls 2 Flashcards
What type of molecule is heparin
A polysaccaride - type of carbohydrate
Why cant oxytocin be given orally
It is a peptide hormone so gets digested by GI tract
How does a complete molar pregnancy usually form
1 sperm which duplicates once it has fertilised an empty egg.
LESS commonly 2 sperm
Mechanism of action of labetalol
Selective A1 blocker, Non selective B blocker
What is the pathology of hirschprungs disease?
Common cause of obstruction in neonates
Lack of ganglionic cells in distal bowel elading to function obstruction. It is loss of the parasympathetic nerves
Treatment = surgery
Most common cause of intestinal obastruction in neonate
intestinal atresia. Duodenal is a type
What happens wiht neonates when they dont have the sympathetic innervation of gut
congenital megacolon
When is antiD recommended in <10 weeks gestation
Surgical maangement
Ectopic - managed with medical OR surgical
Threatened miscarriage with significant bleeding and pain
What is the most common cancer in pregnancy and postpartum
Breast cancer
What is a non ergot dopamine agonist for hyperprolactinaemia
Bromocriptine/cabergoline are ERGOT derived dopamine agonists
Post laparoscopy for tubal ligation. Has cystic swelling up to the umbilicus. Tender with oozing from port sites
Urinary retention
Level of bifurcation of aorta
Most common type of cancer in fallopian tube
papillary serous adenocarcinoma
Where does the ductus venosus make a shunt between
IVC and umbilical vein
How do you work out RMI
if 2 or more features of USS findings then that = x3 of the points
Postnmenopausal = x3
What dermarome is the nipples
What dermatome is the umbilicus
What is the average insensible waterloss
What type of virus is zika virus
Single stranded RNA
Vitamin that causes pellagra
Niacin. Vitamin B3
Type of epithelium in fallopian tubes
Ciliated columnar
What is vilamentous insertion of the cord?
What is vasa previa?
Velamentous insertion = cord inserts into the membranes rather than the placenta.
Vasa previa = vessels are overlying the cervix
With twins, at what stage does the splitting occur:
within 72h - 1/3
day 4-8 - 2/3
Day 8-13 - 5%
What is the drug treatment for urgen incontinence
What is the nerve supply to piriformis
Superior gluteal nerve
What are the contents of the lesser sciatic foramen
Tendon of obturator internus
pudendal nerve
internal pudendal vessels
How much background radiation does a CXR give you
Equivalent of 10 days
What level does the ovarian artery branch
How to calculate odds ratio
Odds that a case was exposed/odds that a non-case was exposed
What does the uptake of iodine into thyroid depend on
Sodium iodine symporter
What is the most important role of vitaminC
Collagen synthesis
Which vitamin does Coumarin inhibit
Vitamin K
When does the EIA become the femoral artery
When it passes the inguinal ligament
Where is the vestibule
Between the two labia minora