Rats Diseases Flashcards

Innumerable filamentous bacteria are densely clustered at the ciliated surface of the columnar epithelium. Note the polymorphonuclear cell exudate in the bronchial lumen

M. pulmonis infection in a rat
“Cobblestone” lungs
Polymorphonuclear exudate in lumen of airway while a chronic inflammatory infiltrate is present below the respiratory epithelium

Edematous, swollen, and pale submaxillary salivary glands caused by coronaviral infection

Spironucleus muris trophozoite

E. muris cyst (8 nuclei)

Syphacia muris cyst

Aspicularis tetrapetra adult pinworm
Note prominent cervical alae extend all the way to the pharyngeal bulb

R. nana adult tapeworm. Rostellum armed with hooks

R. nana ova

Radfordia ensifera
Myobia musculi

Polyplax spinulosa

Interstitial pneumonia due to P. carinii
Bands of lymphocytes and macrophages encircling interstitial vessels (black arrows)
Alveolar septa are thickened
Bronchioles (black star) are less affected than vessels