Immunology Flashcards
CD4+ T cell
T helper cells, recognize peptides presented in MHC Class II and promote B-lymphocyte activation, activate and regulate cellular immune response via cytokines
CD8+ T cell
Recognize antigenic peptides presented in MHC class I and serve as cytotoxic cells during cell-mediated response
Secreted short term after intial exposure
Viral and intracellular bacterial infections
Extracellular bacterial infections
IgG2b, IgG3
Induced to carbohydrate or lipid antigens
Highest produced in mice, occurs in plasma cells in lamina propria of mucosal tissues
Nude mouse
Defective transcription factor gene controlling thymic epithelial cell differentiation
No T-CELL functions
FOXN1 mutation, chr 11
Athymic and hairless
SCID Mouse
Defective DNA-dependent kinase for T and B receptors,
No Ig or T cell responses, hypoplastic lymphoid tissues, sensitive to ionizing radiation b/c of defective DNA break repair
Prkdc(scid), chr 16
Uses: V (D)J recombination, tumor/xenograft transplant, lymphocyte subset transfer studies, reconsitution of human hematopoietic system
Rag-1 and Rag-2
Defective recombinase enzymes preventing functional B and T cell receptors,
Hypoplastic lymphoid tissues, no Ig or T cell responses
Chr 2
Uses: tumor/xenograft, V(D)J, lymphocyte transfer
XID mouse
Defect in Bruton’s tryosine kinase affecting signal transduction in B cells,
Decreased B cell, low IgM, impared response to polysaccharide antigens
Uses: X-linked agammaglobulinema
Btk mutation, X chr
Moth-eaten mouse
Defective phosphatase, imparing signal transduction from cell receptors
Deficient humoral and cellular immunity, lack cytotoxic T and NK cells, moth-eaten pelage (folliculitis), hypergammaglobulinemia, autoimmune syndromes
Ptpn^6 mutation, chromosome 6
Uses: Apoptosis studies, autoimmune
Beige mouse
Mutation on chr 13 affects pigment granules (coat, retina) and lysosomal granules of type II pneumocytes, mast cells, NK cells
Model for Chediak-Higashi
Lyst^bg, chr = 13
Diluted coat color, lysosomal storage disease, impaired chemotaxis, bactericidal activity of neutrophils, decreased NK activity
1pr and gld mice
Impaired apoptosis from Fas (1pr) or Fas ligand (gld) defect
Generalized lymphoproliferative disease (gld), autoimmunity, immunodeficiency
Multiple immunodeficiencies derived from NOD and SCID mice with loss of IL-2 receptor gamma chain
No T, B, or NK cell activity, decreased complement, impair macrophage and dendritic cell functions
Uses: efficient engraftment of human lymphoid cells
IL-2Ry-/- = X chromosome
Prkdcscid = 16
Cytokine KO mice
Genetically engineered disruption (KO)
IL-2 - anemia
IL-2, 10 - wasting and inflammatory bowel disease when housed conventionally
Receptor KO mice
Lack functional response to signal of interest, variable immune compromise
IBD common in TcR KO
Male accessory sex glands
Seminal vesicles, coagulating glands, ampullary, preputial, prepuital gland, and prostate