Quiz 7 Flashcards
Schwaan cells relate mostly to what?
What type of neuron do sensory neurons directly link to?
Afferent neurons.
What neuron will have its cell body in the spine, but extend the dendrite outside?
Motor neurons.
What lies entirely in the spine?
What muscle or gland receives the electrical message?
What part of a neuron whose primary function is to receive signals from other neurons?
-70 mV relates to what of an axon?
Resting potential.
-55 Refers to what of an axon?
If an axon has completed being depolarized, what phase will it be in?
Action potential.
The refractory period is related to which axons?
What gates open second during the process of conducting an impulse?
During the refractory period, what gates aren’t able to open for about 2-3 milliseconds?
What ion is related to releasing neurotransmitters in an axon?
Which signals cause polarization in an axon?
What is the membrane found around the brain and spinal column?
What enters the grey matter of spinal cord?
Dorsal root.
What part of the brain maintains homeostasis?
What part of the brain has association areas and processing centres?
What part of the brain regulates vital functions and has some reflex centres?
Medulla oblongata.
What division of the autonomic system deals with “fight or flight” situations?
What is the flap that prevents food from entering the respiratory tract?
What is at the very end of the respiratory tree?
How many lobes does the left lung have?
Where is the pleura found?
PO2 will be ____ in the alveoli as compared to the capillaries during inspiration?
What is the amount of air inhaled when at rest?
Tidal volume.
What is the amount of air that is always in the lungs?
Reserve volume.
During inspiration, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles do what, and there is a ____ in air pressure in lungs?
Contract/ negative.
During expiration, the respiratory centre of the brain _____ to send nerve impulses.
What is the major way that CO2 is carried in the blood?
Bicarbonate ions.
After cells give up CO2 to the blood, it combines with water to first become what?
Bicarbonate ions.
What viral infection leads to bacterial infection with a swelling of primary and secondary bronchi?
Acute bronchitis.
What infection is where alveoli fill up with thick fluid?
What genetic disorder has protein that is for Cl- is defective?
Cystic fibrosis.
State the difference between grey matter and white matter.
Grey matter has to do with senses, emotions, and decision making. White matter transmits messages and surrounds grey matter.
State the basic difference between central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
CNS- brain and spinal cord.
PNS- everything outside the brain and spinal cord.
What is a synapse in relation to neurons?
Space between two neurons that lie next to each other.
What is the basic difference between internal and external respiration?
Internal respiration: gas exchange between blood and tissue fluid.
External respiration: gas exchange between the lungs (air) and blood.
Briefly describe the action of cilia and goblets in the trachea.
Cilia sweep mucus upwards towards the pharynx to be swallowed or moved into digestive tract. Goblet cells produce mucus and are found mostly in bronchi and bronchioles.