Q3: Evolutionary Thought Flashcards
It is the recognition that species change over time and the perceived understanding of how such processes work.
evolution thought
Ages of evolutionary thought
- Antiquity
- Middle Ages
- Early Modern Thought
- Darwinism and Neo-darwinism
He claimed that life had originally developed in the sea and only later moved onto land.
He discussed a non-supernatural origin for living things.
He formulated the Theory of Forms; all potential life forms being present in a perfect creation.
He had written four books about his research in the natural history on the isle of Lesbo, resulting to the development of scala naturae “Ladder of life or Chain of Being.”
It is based on complexity of structure and function, with organisms that showed greater vitality and ability to move described as “higher organisms”
scala naturae
Ladder of life or Chain of Being
It explicitly denied the fixity of biological species.
He wrote the poem “On the Nature of Things” (De rerum natura), describing the development of the living earth in stages.
Titus Lucretius Carus
An evolutionary thought that combined Aristotlean classification with Plato’s ideas of the goodness of God.
Christian Thought
He considered the effects of the environment on the likelihood of an animal to survive and evolve, and first described the struggle for existence.
Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity
The Epistles of Ikhwan al-Safa
Greek and Roman evolutionary ideas molded the early theories on evolution and natural selection known as _____________________________.
Mohammedan theory of evolution
He stated that the “germs” of all things have always exised and contains internal principle of development which drives them on through a vast series of metamorphoses.
Gottfried Leibnitz
He clearly felt that evolution proceeded on divine principles — in his De rerum originatione radicali (1697).
Gottfried Leibnitz
He hypothesized that all quadrupeds are descended from just 38 species.
Georges-Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon
He speculated the closely related species called genus (in modern times, it is called family).
Georges-Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon
He offered in his Zoonomia (The Laws of Organic Life) some evolutionary speculations, “that all warm-blooded animals have arisen from one living filament … with the power of acquiring new parts.”
Erasmus Darwin
Grandfather of Charles Darwin
Erasmus Darwin
He created the hierarchy of taxonomic categories and a uniform system for naming species.
Carolus Linnaeus
He wrote an essay on the Principle of Population. He observed that man is capable of overproducing if left unchecked.
Thomas Malthus
A theory developed by Georges Cuvier.
Theory of Catastrophism
Father of Geology
James Hutton
He proposed the formation of Uniformitarianism.
James Hutton
He developed the theory of catastrophism wherein changes were due to large, quick events.
Georges Cuvier
He believed that acquired characteristics during lifetime to survive are passed to the next generation.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
He was the first to give the mechanism that evolution is happening.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
A geologist who followed the footstep of Hutton and was the mentor of Darwin.
Charles Lyell
He independently came up with the idea of natural selection in his observation at the Amazon Basin.
Alfred Russel Wallace
He published the infamous “on the Origin of Species” in 1859.
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin coined one of the mechanisms of evolution which is ___________________.
natural selection
Charles Darwin defined evolution as ________________
descent with modification
The ship that took 22-year-old Charles Darwin on his first expedition around the world in 1831–36.
HMS Beagle
Patterns of Biological Diversity (based on Darwin’s Observation)
- species vary globally
- species vary locally
- species vary over time
It is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.
It states that individuals lose characteristics they do not require, or use, and develop characteristics that are useful. Acquired traits were heritable.
Lamarck’s Principle of Use and Misuse
A principle of heredity formulated by Gregor Mendel.
Mendelian Inheritance
A theory that came from merging the ideas of Darwin and Mendel.
Neo-darwinian Theory
Who formulated neo-darwinism?
Julian Huxley
It states that diversity within a population arose from the random production of mutations, and the environment acted to select the most fit phenotypes.
Neo-Darwinian Theory
Major concepts of Neo-darwinian Theory
- genetic variations
- reproductive and geographical isolation
- natural selection