pulmo Flashcards
what causes a rigth shift in the oxy. diss. curve?
co2, h+, 2,3bp and temp increase
what causes a left shift in the oxy. diss. curve?
co2, h+, 2,3bp and temp decrease
epistaxis occurs?
kiesselbach plexus, anterior segment of the nostril
Mediastinis cause that is very commen?
histoplasma capsulatum
What is assci. with asthma?
charcot-leyden crystals
what guaifenesin?
exspectorant, thins the secretion but not the cough reflex?
what is phenylephrine?
alpha-adrenergic agonist, for nasal cogestion
what is dextromethorphan?
antitussive that antago. NMDA glutamate recepteos, mild opoidd effect
endothlin receptor antagonist are used?
antagoninizes endothlin-1 reducin pulmonary vascular resistance
protacycline analoges are used?
PGI2 (prostacycline) with direct vasodilation on pulmol and systemic, inhibilts aggregation
what is albuterol?
short acting beta 2 agonist, can cause arrhytmia
what are salmeterol, fometerol
long acting beta2 agonist, can cause tremor + arrhytmias
tiopropium is ?
competetive muscarinic antagonist, long acting
what is fluticasone, budisonide?
coticosteroids inactivate NFkapa
Transudate is extravascular fluid with low protein content and a low specific gravity (< 1.012)
Most common, more Females none smoker, EGFR, KRAS, ALK mutations, location: peripheral, hist: Glands and mucine
30%, Smoker, TP53 CDKNZA, mutation, paraneoplastic: PTHrP, located: centrally, histo: Spinosom: Desmosomes (intracellular bridges), keratin whorls/pearls
Small cell carcinoma
15%, TP53 RB mutation, smokers,
Paraneoplastic: SIADH=decreased Na+, or Antibodies agianst presynatic Ca2+, ACTH=cushungs
location: centrally, Hist: small cells (kulchitsky cells—> small dark blue cells, chromogranin A, synaptophysin
Large cell
highly undiff. tumor
Hist: huge cells: Pleomorphic giant cells/Anaplastic cell with allot of cyplasm
Brochial carcinoid
carcinoid sy.: flushing, wheezing, valve fibrosis and diarrhea
Hist: well organized
trabecula/ nest of neuroendocrine cells
low mito. rate
associ. abestos, location pleural thickining
histo: (Psammoma bodis), calretinin
Lung cancer
and metastases
complications: SPHERE Sup. vena cava Pancoast tumor Honer syndrome Endocrine (paraneoplastic) Recurrent laryngeal nerve compression (horseness) Effusion
Love Affecting BONEheads and BRAINcs
Liver, Adrenal, Bone, Brain
Tumors that metas. to the lung are: Breast, Colon, Postate and bladder
Pancoast tumor
superio sulcus tumor. Carcinoma that appears at the apex of the lung. causes pancoast sy. by invading/ compressing local structures
horner syn. (stellate ganglion), SVC syndrome, brachiochephalic sy.,
brachial plexus sy.
obstruction of the SVC impairs blood draininge frpm the head (facial plethora), jug. venous dist., upper edema
cause: malignancy (mediast. mass, pancoast tumor
Emergency: can cause ICP increase—-> headaches, dizziness, increased risk of aneurism/ rapture of the intracraneal arteries
superior meatus—> drains spenoid, post. ethmoid
middle meatus—> drains frontal, maxillary and anterior ethmoid
inferior—> drains nasolascrimal duct
only: RV increases, TLC increases
FEV1 decreased
FEV1/ VC= decrease because VC is increased
decrease in elastin and therefore recoil
all volumes are decrease
FEV1 decreased
FEV1/ VC= normal because all volumes are decreased
pleural effusion
lung sounds decrease and the fremitus will reduce
increased fremitus/ solid, dullness to percussion
pulmonary edema is
wheezing= obstruction of expiration Strider= same soud on expiration/ its the upper airways
Pulmonary Edema
Hydrostatic forces equation=
Gastrosis >= Albumen will be low
H= Clot Cancer Compression Cuts Cirrhosis !CHF!
K= Inlammation: Infec. or Cancer
Pulmonary Edema
1 Cariogenic:
Transudate: protein are low, cells are low
Hydrostatic cause increase in PCWP ( estimates the left atrial pressure/ brach of the pulmonary artery) CHF symp. dyspne on exsurgen, parox. dyspnoe, orthopnea, JVD, per. edema
Hist: Hemoseriderin laden marophages
noncardiogenic effusion
hyaline membrane around the alveoli
Exudative effusion (increased protein and increased cells): Cause is leaky capillaries
ALI=ARDS=DAD=hyaline membrane
no CHF/ no volume overload
ALI: occurs in SIRS:
Septic Shock, Pancreatisis, Transfusion related Lung Injury
SIRS—>vasodil—> neutro. fibro,macro—–>hyline membranes—-> collagen
Pleural Effusion
horizontal minicus on x-ray, Transudate: (H)ydrostatic, (O)ncotic
Exudate: K (vascular permeability), Cancer, Inf.
vertical lung shadow on x-ray: large simple
the collpased lung and shift of organs
hypotension, obstruction of the IVC=JVD, tracheal divation
rev. airway remod.
irrv. Ephysem, Bronchitis
conducting airways
Path: inflam. of the Large Airways
conducting airways
Path: inflam. of the Large Airways Old, Smoker chronic productive cough > 3months, 2yrs Cyanosis, pulm. HTN, CHF, peri. edema, JVD "blue bloaters"
Hist: Hypertrophy +hyperplasia of submucosal glands =Reed index
Reed in index> 40%= mucosal hyperplasia
Path: Alveoli, loss of elastin/septa=loss of recoil
pt: smoker=centriacinar Apixes
prologe exp. phase, purged lips, intercoastal hypertrophy, cachexia, icreased AP diamether XR: Hyperinflation, Chronic CO2 retainers, Ph normal, co2 elevated, increased bicarb
1Inflammation: Debris—>PMN–>Proteases—> decrease elastin
2) Antitryprotease=Panacinar lower lobes
Alpha1 anti D.—–> cirrhosis and emphysema
((((3)Apoptosis?= loss of septa
Rtp80l- mTor
NRF2 oxidant stress))))))
pink puffer
rev. broncho, typeI, IGE, Mast, Eo
Wheeze, Dyspnea, Cough, low O2
1) Early Phas=Bonchocontriction
leukotriane= brochcontriction
2late Phase=Mucus Th2:---->IL4 class switch IgE ---->IL5 eosiniphiles( Chorcot layden Cry) summoning (MBP)--->epithelial detashments ---->IL13 Mucous (Plug= Cruschmann spirals)
Air Remodeling:
Submocosal Hyperplasia and trophy, goble hyplasia, smooth muscle hypertrophy
leading to subbasement fibrosis
pulmonary hypertension
10-14mmhg, above 25 is hypertension
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
2° PAH—- intimal thickining, fibroblast prol, collagen–collapse of the lumen
iPAH—Plexoform lesions, BMRP-2
Young weman
Treament works only for iPAH (of fibro. prolif): PDE-5 inhib, Entholin inhitors Bosentan, Epoprostal inhibits procyclin
Class 2
LV dysfunction
will lead to pulmonary venous HTN, venous medial thickening, arterialization, CHF SxS, Pulmonary Edema hemosideren macrophages
Class 3
Hypoxic Lung D.
Medial thickining+Hyperplasia, OLD, RLD, OSA
Classs 4
CTE, Chronic Thrombpembolic
V/A scan
RLD diff.
DLCO (assess the diff barrier)
DLCO is normal: mucular or Obesity
DLCO is low: fibrotic: ILD=DPLD
IPF Asbestosis etc
Idiopathic pulm fibrosis
Path: progressive firo. in the septa, never smoke
HRCT: subpelural fibrosis, lower lobes, Honey combing
histo: usu intersti. pneumonia, subpleural fibrosis, progressive sparing of central alveoli
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
typeII/III hyper. due to enviro. antigen seen in farmers and those exposed to birds