Publications Flashcards
Why are publications required
Solas Chapter V regulation requires:
All ships, irrespective of size, shall have:
nautical charts and nautical publications to plan and display the ship’s route for the intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage
The Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2020
lists which publications
MGN 610 provides guidance and the list also
Which publications are required?
Where is the requirement listed?
- Relevant and up to date Charts (UKHO)
- Merchant shipping notices (UKHO)
- Admiralty Notice to mariners (UKHO)
- Admiralty Notice to mariners- Annual Summary (UKHO)
- Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals Vol 1-6 (UKHO)
- Admiralty List of lights (UKHO)
- Admiralty Tide Tables (UKHO)
- Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases (UKHO)
- Admiralty Sailing directions (UKHO)
- Mariners Handbook NP 100 (UKHO)
- Nautical Almanac (UKHO)
- Navigational Tables (Norries)
- International code of Signals (IMO)
- Code of Safe Working Practices (MCA)
- MCA Ship Captains Medical Guide (MCA)
- Operating and maintenance instructions for navigational aids carried by the ship
- Official Log Book (MCA)
Stated In the masters guide to the UK flag. Citation needed
The mariners Handbook?
NP100, an encyclopedia for seafarers
Surveying and charting
Admiralty charts
Admiralty publications
Information from UKHO
Characteristics of the sea
Basic meteorology
Navigation in Ice
Hazards and restrictions to navigation
international organisations
Aids to navigation
Military operations
Commercial operations
Information contained within Admiralty Sailing directions?
Pilot Books
Waterway directions
Port facilities
Directions for port entry
Navigational Hazards
Climate information
Colour of spine
Admiralty list of Radio Signals, volumes 1-6
ALRS vol 1
Coast Radio Stations (list of radio signals)
ALRS vol 2
Radio Aids to navigation
(direction finding stations, DGPS stations, Electronic position fixing systems
ALRS vol 3
Maitime safety information
(maritime weather services, MSI services, Navtex stations
ALRS vol 4?
Met observational stations
ALRS vol 5?
Sea areas?
EPIRB? what frequency
SART? What frequency
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
A1 Within VHF range of a coast station, 30-40 miles
A2 Within MF coverage, but outside A1, up to 150miles
A3 Outisde A2 but within INMARSAT coverage, 76Degs N/S
A4, Outside A3, more than 76Degs N/S
Emergency position indication radio beacon 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz
Search and rescue Transponder 9GHz (X band/cm Radar)
Pilot services, Vessel Trafffic Services (VTS) , Port operations
Admiralty list of lights and fog signals?
Colour of spine?
lighthouses, lightships, fog signals and other lights of navigational significance
International number and foreign language light descriptions
Light elevation and structure height in metres
Range of lights
Description of structure
Admiralty tidal publications
Tide tables
*daily predictions of time and height of high and low waters at standard ports
*Time and height differences for secondary ports
*Harmonic constants where known
*Supplementary tables including land leveling to chart datum where known
Tidal stream atlases
*Major tidal streams for selected waters of north west Europe
*Direction and rate of tidal streams at hourly intervals
Merchant shipping notices
issued by MCA
Used to convey mandatory info that must be complied with under uk law. they relate to Statutory instruments that contain the technical details
White paper
MSN 1781
Distress signals and prevention of collisions
MSN 1851
Large commercial yacht code (LY3)
Marine Guidance Notes
Issued by the MCA
Give significant advice and guidance relating to the improvement of safety of shipping and life at sea. They also aim to prevent pollution from shipping
Blue paper
MSN 1858
Requirements for deck officers on large yachts
(removed, now on MCA website)
MGN 71
Musters and drills
MGN 315
Keeping a safe navigational watch
MGN 369
Navigation in restricted visabilty
MGN 379
Use of electronic navigation aids
Marine Information notices
Issued by the MCA
Aim to keep the mariner and the industry up to date, may contain temporary info and have a cancellation date.
May be aimed at a more limited audience, EG training centres or equipment manufacturers
Green Paper
Notices to Mariners
Used to keep all admiralty charts and publications up to date
1 Explanatory notes
2 Updates to standard nautical charts
3 Reprints of Navarea 1 Navigational Warnings (UKs, inc baltic+Iceland)
4 Updates to Admiralty Sailing Directions
5 Updates to Admiralty List of lights and Fog signals
6 Updates to Admiralty List of radio signals
7 Updates to Miscellaneous Admiralty Nautical Publications
8 Updates to Admiralty Digital services
Cumulative notice to mariners is issued twice per year, Jan and July, and contains all the corrections of the last 2 years
The annual notice to mariners is issued in Jan. And contains the updates to the sailing directions and active Ts and Ps