Life Saving Appliances Flashcards
Which Publications can your refer to for info on LSA
SOLAS III - States what LSA is required
LSA Code, inside the Life Saving Appliances Book - Details what they are/specifications
All LSA shall be fitted with what, recomended by which resolution?
Retroreflective tape, as recommended by IMO resolution A.658
When are Liferaft packs Solas A or B
B if the vessel operates less than 60M from shore
A if more
What is in a SOLAS pack A
- Rescue quoits with minimum 30-metre lines
- Non-folding knife with a buoyant handle. If the life raft holds more than 13 persons, then a second knife
- For 12 persons or less, 1 bailer. For more than 13 persons, 2 bailers should be kept
- 2 sponges
- 2 buoyant paddles
- 3 tin openers
- 2 sea anchors
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 first aid waterproof kit
- 1 whistle
- 1 waterproof torch for communicating morse code with 1 spare set of batteries and bulb
- 1 signalling mirror/heliograph
- 1 radar reflector
- 1 life-saving signals waterproof card
- 1 fishing tackle
- Food ration totalling not less than 10000 kJ for each person
- Water ration- 1.5 litres of fresh water for each person
- One rust proof graduated drinking vessel
- Anti sea sickness medicine sufficient for at least 48 hours and one seasickness bag for each person
- Instructions on how to survive (Survival booklet)
- Instructions on immediate action
- TPA sufficient for 10% of the number of persons or two, whichever is greater
- Marking shall be SOLAS ‘A’ Pack
- 6 Hand Flares
- 4 Rocket Parachute Flares
- 2 Buoyant Smoke Signals
Liferaft primary actions
Assist others to board the craft
Use knife to cut free, manouevre clear of vessel and debris
Stream Drogue to reduce rate of drift from other survivors
Close doors to keep dry and warm
Maintain the lifreaft, check for damage, remove water, insulate floor
Liferaft secondary actions
Seasickness pills for everyone
Treat injured crew
Bail out,
Keep warm, huddle
Make a large target, join up as many rafts as possible
Post a lookout for survivors, rafts, rescue
Read the survival craft handbook
Maintain morale, set a schedule, stay confident in rescue
What are the markings on a liferaft (7)
- The makers name or trade mark;
- A serial number;
- The date of manufacture;
- The name of the approving authority;
- The name and place of servicing station where it was last serviced;
- The number of persons it is permitted to accommodate over each.
- Pictogram of how to operate it
HRU? Liferaft activation
Hydrostatic release Unit
Activates at 1.5-4m
2 year validity
Top, yellow part connects to the Senhous pin securing the raft
Painter attached to middle red weak link
As boat sinks, water presses the diaphragm, pushing the blade to cut the rope, realeasing the raft
The painter all pulls out, activating the raft
As pressure continues to build, the weak link breaks releasing the inflated raft
What is in the rescue boat
Oars or paddles
bouyant bailer
sea anchor
1 bouyant line 50m+
electric torch and spare batteries
1st aid kit
Bouyant rescue qoits
Search light
radar reflector
Portable fire extinguisher
Additionally for a inflatable rescu boat
bouyant safety knife
Manual bellows
2 sponges
repair kit
boat hook
How long to launch a rescue boat
Should be stored in a state of continuous readiness, and launched within 5 minutes
What is MSN 1722, summarised it
Guidelines for training crews for rescue boats for ships making headway through water
*Toolbox talk prior to any launch
* done under the supervision of an officer experienced in such drills
* No requirement to practice launching underway, but if done should be practiced at anchor or alongside
* Lifejackets and immersion suits (where appropriate) and head protection should be worn.
* 2-way radiotelephone comms. between rescue boat, the bridge and the i/c of lowering should be established.
* During lowering and recovering the propeller of the ship should be stopped
* The boats engines should be running before it enters the water.
* The practice should be followed by a de-brief.
How does an EPIRB work
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
Activates manually or automatically
Sends a coded message with ships identity to the Cospass-SarSat satellite system on 406 MHz (one is Geostationary, one is polar)
Satelite can take up to 90mins to determine position, within 5km accuracy
Relays this to MCC, who dispatch SAR
SAR aircraft can home in on EPIRB on 121.5MHz
EPIRB testing/maintenance/ battery life
All should be registered with the administration
5 year servicing
Self test Monthly
Annual Performance tests
48 hr minimum operation
How does a SART Work
Search and Rescue Radar Transponder
Recieves interrogation from X band radar, 3cm 9GHz
gives back a response, visable on a x band radar display, gives a beep
Detection range effected by height of antenna, 5M by ship, 30M by Air
Shows 12 Dots in direction of SART, Closest is the Sart
dots turn to arcs when less than 1M away
Then Rings as you get very close
SART Testing/Maintenance/ Battery
Battery 96 hrs, 8 hrs in interrogation mode
Monthly testing
Requirements for a General Alarm per ships size
Vessel less than 500GT may be the ships whistle
More than 500GT, must be an electronic bell or Klaxxon, powered by mains and/or the Emergency Power Supply
Additionally +85m vessels must have a PA System
Lighting requiremennts for LSA
Alleyways, internal and external stairways, and exits giving access to, and including, the muster and embarkation stations shall be adequately lit.
Adequate lighting shall be provided in the vicinity of survival craft, launching appliance(s) (when provided) and the overside area of sea in way of the launching position(s). The lighting shall be supplied from the emergency source of power.
Emergency Power Supply location
A self contained emergency source of power shall be provided
Shall be positioned on the uppermost continuous watertight deck
Shall not be positioned forward of the crash bulkhead
The emergency source of power shall be independent of the main power supply, external to the engine room, and with separate distribution.
What requires emergency Power according to LYC
Emergency power shall be readily available to supply:
emergency lighting,
radio installation
and navigation aids for a minimum of 3 hours.
As a minimum, the navigation aids to be supplied by emergency power to include
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS/GPS),
echo sounder
and AIS.
The emergency power supply shall be adequate to also supply any electrical emergency equipment fitted,
such as firepumps,
bilge pumps,
watertight doors,
and rescue boat davit.
Helicopter rescue Do’s
DO steer with wind 30° on Port Bow if rescue area is aft or midships
Steer with wind 30° on STBD quarter if rescue are is Forward
Pilot will advise
DO Clear rescue area, secure all loose gear and remove all aerials
DO fly flag to indicate wind direction
DO illuminate flag and rescue area at night
DO wear rubber gloves to handle Winch wire
Helicopter rescue Dont’s
Do Not touch the winchman, Stretcher or winch until it has been earthed
Do Not secure any lines passed down
Do Not fire rockets or Shine lights up at helo
Do Not transmit on radio while rescue underway
When should new passengers be mustered, what for
On a ship engaged on a voyage where passengers are scheduled to be onboard for more than 24 hours, musters of newly-embarked passengers shall take place prior to or immediately upon departure.
Passengers shall be instructed in the use of the lifejackets and the action to take in an emergency.
Whenever new passengers embark, a passenger safety briefing shall be given immediately before departure, or immediately after departure.
How Often for enclosed space drills?
Crew members with enclosed space entry or rescue responsibilities shall participate in an enclosed space entry and rescue drill to be held onboard the ship at least once every two months.
It is recommended that new seafarers shall attend a dedicated course for entry into dangerous spaces
How often should Fire and Abandon Drills be held
Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month and-
* where more than 25% of the crew have not participated in abandon ship and fire drills onboard that particular ship in the previous month the drills of the crew shall take place within 24 hours of the ship leaving a port;
* where a ship enters service for the first time, after modification of a major character or when a new crew is engaged, the drills shall be held before the vessel sails