pterygopalatine fossa Flashcards
anterior wall of PP fossa
posterior surface of maxilla
medial wall of PP fossa
lateral surface of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
posterior wall of PP fossa
pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
lateral aspect of PP fossa
continuous with infratemporal fossa
roof of PP fossa
inferior surface of greater wing of sphenoid
floor of PP fossa
pyramidal process of palatine bone
inferior orbital fissure communicates with
floor of the orbit
inferior orbital fissure transmits
- branches of max n (infraorbital, orbital, zygomatic)
- infraorbital vessels
- inferior ophthalmic v
sphenopalatine foramen
supplies: nasal cavity
transmits: nasal nn, sphenopalatine vessels
foramen rotundum
supplies: middle cranial fossa
transmits: max n
pterygoid canal
supplies: MCF
transmits: n and vessels of pterygoid canal
pterygoid canal is ___ to foramen rotundum
inferior and medial
palatovaginal (pharyngeal) canal
supplies: nasopharynx
transmits: pharyngeal n and a
palatine canal
supplies: roof of oral cavity (hard palate)
transmits: palatine nn and descending palatine vessels
pterygomaxillary fissure is continuous with
infratemporal fossa
pterygomaxillary fissure transmits
posterior superior alveolar n
what major structures are found in the pterygopalatine fossa
- max n
- max a branches
- pterygopalatine ganglion