psychotherapeutic drugs Flashcards
three mental health disorders
anxiety, affective disorders, psychotic disorders
psychotherapeutic drugs
treats emotional and mental disorders
types of psychotherapeutic drugs
anxiolytic drugs
mood stabilizing drugs
unpleasant state of mind characterized by dread or fear
based on anticipated or past experiences
may be an exaggerated response to imaginary negative experiences
affective disorders
- mood disorders
- changes in mood from mania to depression
- some pts have mania and depression (BPD
severe emotional disorder where they cant participate in ADL
ex- schizophrenia, drug induced psychoses
loss of contact with reality
anxiolytic drugs
- reduces overactivity in CNS
- benzodiazepine (depresses activity in brainstem and limbic system
ex of benzodiazepines
-alprazolam (xanax)
- diazepam (valium)
- lorazepam (ativan)
benzodiazepine adverse effects
- decreased DNA activity, sedation, amnesia
- hypotension
- drowsiness, loss of coordination, dizziness, headaches
- nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation
benzodiazepine overdose
- dangerous when taken with alc or other sedatives
- treatment is symptomatic
- flumazenil can reverse effects
benzodiazepine interactions
- alcohol and CNS depressants
- interactions more likely in pts with renal or hepatic compromise
alprazolam (xanax)
- most common
- for GAD, short term relief of anxiety symptoms
alprazolam adverse effects
- confusion, ataxia, headache others
alprazolam interactions
- alcohol, antacids, oral contraceptives
diazepam (valium) indications
relief of anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, reversal of staus epilepticus, pre op sedation, relief of skeletal muscle spasms
avoid diazepam in pts with
hepatic dysfunction
diazepam adverse reactions
headache, confusion, slurred speech
diazepam interactions
alcohol, oral contraceptives
- asian ppl metabolize slower
lorazepam (ativan)
intermediate acting benzo
- IV or IM
- treatment of acutely agitated pt
- continuous for pts undergoing mechanical ventilation
- treat alcohol withdrawal
micellaneous anxiolytic
busprione hcl
- scheduled basis
- adverse effects: paradoxical anxiety, blurred vision, dizzines, headache, nausea
- dont take with MAOIs (need washout period)
mood stabilizing drug ex
- lithium carbonate and lithium citrate
- treats BPD
- can be combined with benzos or antipsychotic drugs
- treats mania
- potentiate serotonergic neurotransmission
- narrow therapeutic range (needs blood monitoring_
- sodium should be 135-145 mmol/L to maintain therapeutic range of lithium. (lithium can become toxic in hyponatremia)
lithium adverse effects
- cardiac dysrhythmias
- drowsy, slurred speech, choreoathetotic movements
- long term can cause hypothyroidism