antianginal drugs Flashcards
angina pectoris
insufficient o2 and nutrient supply to the heart causing pain
poor blood supply to an organ
ischemic heart disease
poor blood supply to heart muscle, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease
preload and afterload
preload: filling and stretching (end of diastole)
afterload: pressure to pump against (systole)
myocardial infarction
necrosis or death of cardiac tissue
disabling or fatal
5 types of angina
- stable angina (classic/effort angina)
- unstable angina ( pre-infarction angina)
- variant (vasosparatic/ Prinzmetal)
- atypical
- microvascular
symptoms of angina
- usually after heavy exercise or emotional stress
- pain in middle of chest, spreads to L arm, back, neck or jaw (dull)
- pressure or squeezing in chest or arms
stable angina
when the heart works harder than normal
- regular pattern
- stops after rest or medication (nitroglycerin) within a few mins
- feels the same each time it happens
- less than 5 mins
- might feel like indigestion
unstable angina
- sign of possible heart attack
- no predicted pattern
- should be treated as an emergency
- increased risk of cardiac arrest or arrhythmias
unstable angina characteristics
- pain happens when resting or sleeping
- last as long as 30 mins and may become worse
- not relieved by rest or meds
- might be a sign of a possible heart attach
women and angina
- stabbing, pulsating or sharp pain
- more likely to have nausea, SOB, abd pain
therapeutic objectives of antiangina meds
- minimize frequency of attacks
- increase blood flow to ischemic myocardium and decrease myocardiac 02 demand .
- improve functioning
- prevent or delay MI
nitrates and nitrite forms
- IV sol
- transdermal patches
- translingual sprays
bypasses the liver and first pass effect
MOA of nitrates
vasodilation from relaxation
dilating effect on coronary arteries
results in o2 to ischemic myocardial tissue
decreases preload and afterload
rapid acting nitates and nitrites
treat acute anginal attacks
sublingual tablets or spray; IV infusion
long acting nitrates
used to prevent anginal episodes
rapid and long acting
most important for symptomatic treatment of ischemic heart conditions
PO, SL, metered-dose aerosol, IV, topical
nitroglycerin IV indications and storage
treatment of HF, ischemic pain, hypertensive emergencies.
- given with non polyvinyl chloride tubing and bags